Chapter 16

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*Notes: Thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments, I love reading what you have to say, and it makes me so happy to have such a supportive and kind following. Thank you truly!*

Reaching the 20th week of my pregnancy I starting to have a hard time sleeping. I had to try 50 different positions before I could even start dozing and then if I woke up for any reason I was up for the rest of the night; it was driving the guys insane. They had started sleeping on the floor or taking turns sleeping in their own rooms. I felt bad but there was nothing to be done for it. My stomach had also started to stretch causing it to itch, Kacchan noticed this and bought me a lotion to help reduce the itching and reduce stretch marks. It was the middle of our weekend most of the class was either doing homework or watching tv together in the lounging area. I had decided that TV was what I wanted to do before the (Plus) ultrasound. Hagakure was currently playing with my hair as I sat on the couch. She said with how long my hair had grown she wanted to try a new style. It felt nice to have her play with hair and I could feel my self starting to doze off.

"Your hair looks nice Midoriya." I head familiar monotone voice say sitting down next to me.

" Thanks, Shoto. How's your day going?" I asked slowly opening my eyes as Hagakure tapped my shoulder to let me know she was done, and hand me her hand mirror.

"It's going. I got all my work done so I was thinking of going to the gym or something after lunch." he said glancing at the tv to see what was on."

"Oh, Hagakure it looks great thank you." I said handing her the mirror back as she waved goodbye heading off to find another person who would let her do their hair. " That sounds cool, I miss working out. Recovery Girl would kill me if she caught me lifting anything heavier then a milk jug." I chuckled looking over at him. "I have actually been using them to try and keep up my routine when no one is around." I laughed again shaking my head at my own ridiculousness.

"I can imagine, how's the pregnancy going?" Shoto asked giving me a small smile.

"Everythings going fine. Been having a hard time sleeping lately; it's driving Eijiro and Kacchan crazy." I said sighing as leaned back into the cushions.

"My mom said the same thing about being pregnant with me, she said drinking a warm glass of milk with honey really helped her. It might help you." He said looking at his hands thoughtfully.

"Oh, I will try it tonight. My mom gave that to me as toddler, I would never have thought to try that. Thanks!" I smiled over at him, before giving a little groan as one of the babies kicked a rib. I rubbed the spot as Shoto looked at me a worried look on his face.

"Are you ok, should I get someone." he asked starting to stand.

"No, no. One of the little guys just kicked me in the rib. For something so small when in the right spot they sure can kick." I laughed putting my hand on his shoulder to make him sit back down.

He raised an eyebrow at me but sat back down. We sat in silence watching the random show on TV for a while. It wasn't till I heard a Kacchan yelling that I looked up and saw the time.

"Shut up you old hag, Of course, I have been taking care of Izuku and Eijiro." Kacchan growled walking over to me and kissing my head.

"Its true auntie, he's been spoiling me every chance he gets. Same with Eijiro and vice versa." I smiled taking Kacchan's hand to help me stand up, and hug my mom.

"Oh, honey how are you, Eijiro said you haven't been sleeping well." My mom said holding me at arm's length as she looked me over.

"I'm fine mom, a little loss is to be expected at this point according to the books. Also, Shoto just suggested warm milk and honey, so I plan to try that tonight." I said pulling her in for a second hug.

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