Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 edited. Thank you Fetusfluid69 for all your hard work on this chapter!

Soon the group was at the front of UA waiting for the shuttles that would take us to the mall where we would meet up with my mom. I was excited to see her, since starting school and moving to the dorms our time together has been quite short. I felt bad but I also knew she understood. She really was the best, I really need to find a way to make all of this up to her. Kacchan sat towards the back, keeping his distance from the group. I looked back at him, his eyes met mine, another unreadable look crossed his face as his brow furrowed as a light blush seemed to fill his cheeks before turning away to look out the window with a huff. I couldn't help but tilt my head as I thought over what his reactions could be, but I was interrupted by our shuttle reaching its destination.

The mall was busy and bustling with life, the girls grouped off after agreeing on a meetup time for lunch. Uraraka and Kacchan stayed with me as we looked for my mother. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, It was a text from my mom saying she was running late due to traffic.
"Well, my mom said we should start without her and she will call when she gets here." I looked over at my companions "Where should we start first?"

Kacchan spoke first "Work out clothes first nerd, I'm paying. Let's go."
I exchanged a look with Uraraka as we followed him to one of the high-end sports shops that made clothing to handle strength quirks. He lead us into the women's section and took a seat by the dressing room.
"Well get going, help her pick out what she needs Ochaco," he said crossing his arms and leaning back. "Well, you heard angry boom boy lets get shopping!" Uraraka said excitedly grabbing my hand and leading me around the store. She piled my arms full of clothes, bras, and a few different compression sleeves to replace my old one since it didn't quite fit before the accident. I was then dragged to the changing room.
"Why do I need so many bra types?" I asked holding up one that looked like it was meant to tie someone up rather than hold boobs.
Uraraka laughed "Some have different forms of support than others, also you could like how one fits and hate how another fits, same with the clothes, some fit different from others, which means you may not like one but love another."

"Well, that's a lot, shopping was simpler before all of this," I said taking off bra I just tried on and putting it in the keep pile, soon the pile was down to a quarter of what it was when we started. I left the changing room and walked over to Kacchan with the pile. He looked up from his phone as I approached.
"You finally done nerd?" he asked standing up, eyeing the pile of clothes and compression sleeves in my arm. I smiled and nodded. "Good, let's go pay and get out of here. Auntie must be close by now."
"Ok, are you sure you want to pay for all of this Kacchan? I don't want to cause a problem, you really don't owe me anything...." I started
"Shut up Deku, I don't like owing people, and I feel like I owe you; So shut up and let me do this alright. It's half my fault you are in this situation." He growled at me grabbing the clothes out of my arms and stalking angrily off to the counter. Uraraka stared at me mouth wide open, I could tell she wanted to say something but I shook my head.
"No, don't say a word, I'm just confused as you are." I said as she started giggling, grabbing my arm and walking towards the counter to join Kacchan and help with the bags. He had just finished paying as we got to the counter, he took the backs and headed for the exit waiting for us to catch up to him near a bench just outside the store.

"Thanks, Kacchan this was really nice of you." I said sitting down on the bench stretching my legs, who knew trying clothes on could be so exhausting. Kacchan "Tsk" as I felt my phone vibrated, opening it I saw a message from my mom asking where we are so she could find us. I sent her a reply saying what store we were out front of and that we would wait for her here.
"My mom will be here in just a few minutes," I said placing my phone back into my pocket and looking at Uraraka and Kacchan.
"I'm heading back to the dorms after I say hi. I wouldn't hear the end of it from my old hag if I didn't." Kacchan said, "I will take these bags back with me so you don't forget them or some shit." He continued sitting down next to me.
"I can't wait to meet your mom Deku! She sounds like such an amazing person, from how you talk about her." Uraraka stated smiling as she excitedly looked around trying to see if she could spot my mom.
"Well aren't you just so sweet dear, I'm glad to hear my baby still talks about his dear old mother." Uraraka jumped and turned around clutching at her heart before pulling it together and bowing. "It a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Midoriya."
"Oh now there is no need for that sweetie, it's a pleasure to meet you as well." she said turning to face Kacchan. "and it's wonderful to see you again Katsuki, your mom is always going on about how proud she is of you. You have turned into quite the young man, definitely not the little boy who would come by begging for me to make a snack after school." My mom said giving Kacchan a hug after he had stood to greet her, a blush covering his face as she talked about his childhood.
"It's good to see you too auntie. I'm gonna take these bags back to the dorm for Izuku, have a nice rest of your day." he said turning to walk away hand raised in a lazy wave.
"Oh, what did you buy Izuku?" Mom asked
"Kacchan bought me new workout clothes, as an apology for his part in all this, I tried to tell him it wasn't needed but he insisted," I explained.
"How adult of him, now let's go shopping and meet the girls for lunch shall we?" she said hugging me and Uraraka, before leading the way to the next shop. It was interesting shopping as a girl. It made me respect the girls more and more with each shop visited. I was hot sweaty and exhausted by the time we had bought a new wardrobe for me. Then there was the bra and undergarment shopping, I don't think I had ever been so embarrassed in my life. There were so many types of bras and underwear. Why did girls need a whole store for just undergarments? My mom and Uraraka helped me to pick out practical things for day-to-day wear and would work with the clothes we had bought; on the way out of the store, I saw a bra that was a beautiful dark green lace with a tan making up the main part of the bra and matching underwear. I could see how a guy would like something like that on a woman, simple but elegant. I had no reason to wear it though, it's not any of the guys I like would be interested, especially with all the stress of my situation.
"Deku are you coming?" Uraraka called, I jumped being lost in though I stopped paying attention.
"Yes, sorry I'm coming." I called, blushing as I turned and walked over to my mom, as Uraraka turned to go back in, I gave her a questioning look.
"I forgot I needed something, I will catch up with you guys in a sec." she said turning a waving as she disappeared into the store.
I shrugged I turned to my mom and left the store, heading to the restaurant we had decided to meet in before splitting up. It was nice to talk with my mom on our way there, it had been too long since we got to catch up, and spend any real-time together. It wasn't long before Uraraka caught back up and we reached the restaurant. Most of the group was there already, and it wasn't long before the last few showed up. Everyone loved my mom, and she had an excuse to tell embarrassing stories from my childhood, (she must have planned this because she brought pictures.) After that mom walked us to the shuttle stop giving us all hugs as we boarded. I gave her a nice long one thanking her for helping me out and being so great with a promise to keep her updated and schedule a time to do this again soon. I took my bags and climbed on the shuttle doors shutting behind me as I took a seat.
The ride back was quieter than the ride there, we were all tired and worn out. Once back at the dorms the girls helped me take my bags to my room before heading to their own, some of them had even got me gifts of things they think I would need or want to try, it was really sweet. I ended up crying more and thanking them for all their kindness and support. Once alone I started sorting and putting away the clothing I got, I also boxed up my old clothes to put into the spare room next to mine. The school allocated it as a storage space. I was just putting the last of my hair products on a shelf when there was a knock at my door. Walking over I opened the door to see Kirishima standing there with some bags and a plate of pizza.
"Oh, Hi Kirishima, what's up?" I said stepping to the side and gesturing for him to come in.
"Just bring up some dinner for you, we ordered a Pizza, and the girls figured you lost track of time. They also had some stuff for you that got mixed in theirs so I volunteered to bring it all up." He said placing the bags on the bed and pizza on my desk. He then sat on my bed leaning back, a slightly more serious look on his face. "I was also hoping to check on ya; see how you're doing with all this."
"Thanks, I'm starting to feel better about this, everyone has been so supportive and helpful. It's still strange though. I don't feel like me but at the same time, I do. It's hard to explain." I said grabbing the pizza and sitting down on the floor, leaning against the bed.
"I understand what you're saying, dude. I have to say your amazing if it was me I would be freaking out like nothing else; definitely wouldn't be as calm or collected as you." he said sliding off the bed to sit beside me. I smiled at him putting my now empty plate next to me.
"That means a lot, I don't know how I'm doing this, to be honest. I guess maybe I don't see the point in stressing over something I can't change or control. I mean sure it strange having things on my chest verse between my legs, but I could be so much worse." I said looking over at Kirishima. He smiled and nodded.
"Makes sense to me. But I have to ask now that you brought it up..... What's it like to have boobs?" a small blush fell across his cheeks as he asked.
"Well for one, they are killing my back. Like I have no idea how the girls have managed like this and never complain, and for two they are strange, they are soft but firm you can't feel the pectoral muscles like you do as a guy." I said looking down at the now offending thing on my chest. "Not to mention strangers stare at them, it's so creepy. Or people like Mineta who try to grab them."

"Yeah, that definitely isn't cool, or manly." he said a scowl falling over his face.
I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "You're one of the good guys, and I told the girls, so it's bound to get out soon, but I would like to tell you that I'm gay, well straight now I guess since I'm female and like guys." I scratched the back of my head.
"Ha, I knew it! Denki owes me 2000 yen now." He said smiling.
I laughed standing up to throw my plate in the trash. "You want to stay for a bit and get some help and homework?" I asked moving over the bags he brought up.
"Totally, you rock Midoriya!" He jumped up excitedly.
"Let me just put these ways and then we can get started." I said as I started pulling out things and putting them away, it was pretty quick as it was only some different types of lipsticks and few pieces of clothing, I grabbed the last bag and reached in pulling out Bra from the intimates shop I visited today, I squeaked in shock dropping it on the bed dropping the bra onto the bed in surprise.
"What's wrong?" I heard Kirishima ask coming up beside me "Woah, who got you this it's cute."
Kirishima said laughing as he picked it up.
"Uraraka, she caught me looking at in the store." I said blushing reaching into the back to find that she also got me the matching underwear.
"You gonna try it on." he asked laughing as I took the bra back from him.
"Not right now." I said sticking my tongue out as I turned to go put it way.
"Aw, Dang." Kirishima laughed sitting back on the bed, I laughed as I joined him grabbing the homework from my bag so we could talk over it. We went over the homework for a while and slowly started getting more and more off-topic talking about whatever came to mind until the work got put aside and forgotten.

"So since you told me about being gay, I feel like I should tell you I, I'm Bi." Kirishima confessed.
"I'm so happy you considered me a good enough friend to tell me." I said taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. I hadn't realized how close our bodies had become while talking and the next thing I knew his lips met mine in a sweet but shy first kiss. His face was as red as mine; he pulled away quickly mumbling apologies, but that wasn't what I wanted. I pulled him back this time being the one start the kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him deepening our kiss. I felt his tongue slide along my bottom lip asking for permission to enter; I opened my mouth in response, bringing my tongue to meet his, getting to taste him for the first time. I moaned at the sensation tangling my fingers in his hair. Too soon we had to part both panting heavily, trying to reclaim the air we lost while lost in our kiss.
Kirishima looked at me smiling "So, wanna go on a date tomorrow?"

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