Chapter 1

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Note: We have edited this chapter! Thank you Fetusfluid69 for all your hard work!

It started out as a normal day. All of class 1A was talking about the field trip. We had scheduled a trip to the Quirk Research Lab on the outskirts of Tokyo. The ride from school to the Lab was uneventful, Mineta was being creepy and drooling over Yaoyorozu from the seat behind her, while Kacchan had been yelling about something or another to no one in particular, I had been slowly learning how to block him out. A lady in a white lab coat was waiting as we entered the lobby to begin our tour, she waved the group over and introduced herself.

"Ahh you must be the famous class 1A, I'm Okada Miho, chief of operations here at the Quirk Research Laboratory of Tokyo." Dr. Miho said.

I couldn't get enough of all the people here to have their quirks be analyzed. Groups of people crowded the main hall; the large room buzzed with noise and conversations. It was pretty incredible, Iida had to nudge me more than once to get me to stop muttering, scribbling notes, and prevent me from bumping into people.

"Pay attention!" Iida scolded as we walked deeper into the lab following Dr. Okada.

Ochako laughed at me as she walked ahead. "Deku pay attention you don't want to get lost." Ochako giggled and pulled my arm along to the next area. It was a long hallway with rooms off to the side. Large windows next to each door gave you a full view of each person testing their quirk. The opposite side of the hallway had windows lining it as you looked down into a large room full of water tanks. I pulled out my notebook to write all the amazing things I was seeing in the test rooms.

The group kept walking down the hall ahead of me. I walked faster to catch up, scribbling into my notebook. I caught up, but I bumped into Kacchan, he spun around letting off his regular spouting off something like "Shitty nerd!" or "Stupid Deku!" I wasn't able to make it out as he gave me a shove. I hit the glass window over the pool room. The glass shattered around me as I fell. I was able to grab a hanging chain on my way down feeling my shoulder jerk almost dislocating it from the force. I could hear my name being called from above and people yelling for help. The chain was wet. Just my luck. My hands kept slipping until I reached the end. I reached up to re-grab the chain to pull myself back up, but I slipped. The air rushed around me, a second later I was underwater the wind knocked out of me from the impact, water-filled my lung as my body tried to fill my lungs with air again. I felt something grab me and pull me up water dripping off my clothes and hair. My clothes were looser and my skin felt tingly. I registered my back being slapped as I coughed up the water I had swallowed. I could hear my classmates above calling out asking if I was ok. I wrapped myself in a towel and got lead away by the staff. I was vaguely aware of the people handing me dry clothes and leading me to a room with towels to dry off and change.

Still coughing and hacking but much less so, I started taking off my clothes to dry off better and change. My body felt strange, to say the least. Drying off my hair. I looked around the room to find a mirror. I wanted to make sure I didn't have any cuts from the glass. Luckily there was one over in the corner of the room. I blinked. I couldn't be seeing what I was seeing. It was me, of that I was sure but the body my body was wrong. My hair was longer but still, my trade make a mess in it, my waist had more of a curve to it and my chest had breast? No. that couldn't be right. I must have hit my head. I grabbed at my chest, the large firm lumps on my chest were really there it wasn't the mirror. Oh god, I pull off my pants the green tuft of hair is still there but my dick wasn't. I could feel panic filling my chest. There must have been a quirk affecting the water. Fuck, fuck. I finished drying off and put the provided clothes on. There was a knock at the door as it slowly opened. It was Aizawa, he looked at me and sighed.

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