Chapter 2

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 Note: Ok, we have edited chapter 2! Thank you again Fetusfluid69 for all your hard work!

The rest of the day was long, exhausting, and draining. Male students from all over the school came by our classroom to look at me all throughout the day. After the initial shock had worn off the rest of class 1-A they started helping to control the crowds. The teachers helped a bit as well, which was admittedly more help than my classmates. By the time I was back at the dorms I was ready to cry. The common space was empty at the dorms thank god, I really don't think that I could handle dealing with my male classmates.

Finally reaching my room I opened the door.

"Deku! Yay now we can get this party started!"  Ashido yelled as I came in.

My room was full of pillows and sleeping bags. My desk was full of makeup and hair supplies.

"Today was super crazy, and since we don't have school tomorrow we all figured we would help you feel better, now change into these!" Ochaco said tossing me a bag of clothes.

I put my stuff down by the room and walked over to the bathroom to change. The tank top and shorts were pretty nice forest green, and fit perfectly. Yayarozu was a master of her quirk for sure. The girls were talking and laughing as I came back in.

" Woooo look at you Deku, you are such a cutie!" Hagakure yelled jumping over to me and pulling me into a tight hug. I couldn't help but laugh as she pulled me over to my desk chair.

"I'm going to tame your wild locks Deku!" Hagakure said picking up a hairbrush.

"Good luck, my mom has tried for years. Nothing has been able to tame them." I laughed as she started to brush my hair.

"Here try this it helps me and we have similar hair." Hagakure said spraying something on my hair the sweet smell filling the air around my head. I felt her start to brush my hair being very careful on each tangle she came across. "So Izuku, how are you feeling? Did they tell you anything about how long you'll be like this?" she continued moving to a different part of my head, starting with the spray again.
I sighed. Looking down at my lap, I could feel the tears start to gather in my eyes as I thought over everything that the Lab techs had said and how the constant leering and whispering I had dealt with while going about my day.

"They aren't sure, I ingested a lot of the water so there might be a chance I'm stuck like this permanently. As for how I feel.... well I'm a bit overwhelmed, to be honest." I said tears streaming down my face as I was talking. "and Mineta grabbing this morning sure didn't help me feel better about all of this."

I felt multiple arms wrap around me pulling me into a deep meaningful hug. I could feel the support and emotions flowing through their arms wrapping me in a blanket of warmth. It reminded me of my mom's hug as a kid after we found out I was quirkless .

"Well from now on you are one of the girls, even if you change back to being male." Ashido said being the first to pull away. "and as an honorary girl, it's you get to go first for truth and dare! So Deku which do you choose?"

I wiped away the tears, letting out a small laugh as I thought about which to choose. "I will do with truth."

"Aw you're no fun, but fine, what's something no one here knows about you?" Ashido stated smiling like she just won a new teddy bear at the fair.
A blush filled my cheeks "Well before the change I was gay..... Guess that makes me straight now, huh?" I said looking into my hands face growing redder and redder.
"What! No way dude. How long have you know?" It was a resounding onslaught of questions that then continued into further rounds of truth and dare, T.V., snacks, and bonding late into the night. We made plans for shopping the next day with my mom and all the girls decided they were going to join as they also need things. It was relaxing and helped me feel better about the situation.
The next day we woke up early to a gentle knock at my door, I groggily made my way to my door avoiding my sleeping friends spread across the room. I opened the door and was greeted by Sato smiling at me.
"Good morning Midoriya, I was wondering if you and the girls would like to come down and try some new breakfast treats I have worked on?" Sato said smiling, I smiled back stomach gurgling at the thought of food.
"Sure Sato, that sounds wonderful, give me a few minutes to wake the others up and we will be right down," I said he nodded at me, giving me a wave as he left to go back downstairs. I closed the door and turned back to my friends who were slowly waking up.
"Who was that Izuku?" Jiro asked rubbing her eyes and stretching.
"It was Sato, he has invited us to come down and try some of his new breakfast recipes." I smiled as I made my way over to get my slippers so we could head down. The girls moved quickly at the mention of getting to try Sato's masterpieces. In just a few minutes we made our way down to common still in our matching PJs and unmade hair. The smell coming from the kitchen was amazing; Sato was just putting the last few plates down as we entered the dining area. He smiled giving a small gesture for us to have a seat as he went back into the kitchen to grab the food that lined the counters.
"This is amazing Sato! I can't wait to start eating!" Uraraka said smiling as she took a seat next to me. The other girls agreed, eyeing the counter of food hungrily, as Sato did the finishing touches. Soon we were all eating compliments filled the room at each bite of the amazing treats; by the end, Sato's face was as red as a tomato. The boys had come trickling in during the meal snagging some extra food off the counter and claiming free seats or stools. Mineta was the only one who didn't come down from his room as he was still in major trouble for what he did yesterday and knew better than to show his face now.

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