The wedding

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Time is a little bit after Zero got out of the Crystal...

It was a sunny afternoon. A very peaceful one at that, Rouge was panicking, Rage was crying, Hero was flirting with random people and Zane was in his room with Gale. With the door locked.

Rouge was panicking because he was finally getting married to Zero. Rage was crying because he didn't want to wear a suit. Which lead to Lucy bribing him with candy. Zero was sleeping in her bed peacefully. While everyone else got ready. Forgetting about the pregnant and sleeping bride. Zero shot up from her bed and dashed to the bathroom. Luckily she cut her hair and tied it up into small low pigtails. She threw up into her bathroom toilet.

Then received a headache afterwards. To add on to all of this, her magic was all out of sorts because she was pregnant. Zero sighed and pouted. She opened up her room door and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Rouge if I get pregnant one more time I'm chopping your dick off?! Five is enough your horny dragon slayer?!" Then she slammed her door and crawled back in her bed. Sting stifled laughter at Rouge's face. Lucy gasped and ran up to Zero's room.

"Wake up! It's your wedding day!" Lucy yelled at Zero as she slept.

Zero snored softly and turned her back towards Lucy. "Let me sleep! Sleep now. Mistake later-I mean marry later."


"Old people tell me getting married is a mistake." Zero shrugged and yawned. Lucy rolled her eyes and yanked Zero out of bed. Zero groaned and pouted. Then her face brightened up. "I'm getting married-Oh squirrel!" She shouted and stared at the squirrel outside the window.

Lucy face palmed and dragged Zero to Mirajane.

"Here's the bride to be."

"What if I don't wanna get married?"

"Do you?"

"Yes! But what if I didn't-OMG IS THAT CANDY?!" I've Zero gasped and ran over to the table.

"I told you the candy would work Lucy." Hero said and sweat dropped at his mother.


Lucy face palmed and brought Zero to the changing rooms. Zero gasped. Her face darkened slightly. It was the same dress from the Grand Magic Games. She smiled at the dress. It was when her and Rouge went public by mistake. She pulled on the dress and smiled brightly.

Then she felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom. She threw up in the toilet and wiped her mouth. Sighing she rubbed her stomach with a faint smile. "No more of you demons after you." She said. She didn't tell Rouge she was pregnant yet. To his knowledge her magic was acting up because she was sick. Even though she was exactly the same when she was pregnant with their other kids.

Zero knocked on her (for now) youngest child's door. She smiled when she heard the young boy tell her to come in. She sat in his bed and he beamed at her.

"What do you think about mommy and daddy finally getting married?"

"I berry berry HAPPY?!" Zero giggled at the six year old.

"Rage, I'm gonna tell your a secret. But you can't tell anyone else. Ok?"

"In da ho wide wurld?" Rage asked.

"Yes baby, nobody in the whole wide world."

"Okie mommy! I won't! I pwomise!"

Zero smile at the boy. "Mommy is scared."

"Mommy.. scawerd? Silly mommy! Mommy neber eber scwared!"

"I know, but Momy is scared right now. She's scared to be left alone. She's scared that Mommy and Daddy will fight and he takes you and all your siblings away from her. She's scared that she won't ever be a good mommy or wife. Mommy is scared she will be trapped in a crystal again and left to watch you all grow up gain with out her."

"Silly mommy! Dat won't happen! Cuz I will protect you!" Rage said and hugged Zero. Zero's eyes widened. "I'm gonna tell you a secwet now mommy! Dada and evewebody else love mommy! Lots and lots!" Zero hugged her son tightly to her chest and let a few tears escape her eyes.

"What the squirt says is true mom." Hero said standing at the doorframe with all his siblings.

"Yup! We love ya no matter how kookie you are!" Valentine smiled.

"Why wouldn't we love mommy?" Uno asked confused.

"It is simply illogical to think I do not love you mother. It is also illogical to think that father will take us away from you." Zane said with a small smile. Zero stared at her children and more tears fell down her cheeks. She engulfed them all into a big hug. "Mother why are you crying? You know this already don't you? We have no reason to leave you. Nor do we have no reason to hate you." Zane sighed and pat her back.

"Come on mom! I'll do your makeup!" Valentine smiled and walked her mother to the bed. The boys watched Valentines work her magic and boom. The makeup was done. She did her mothers's hair next.she curled it and left it bouncy. She left it down and smiled. Valentine placed the veil on her mother and smiled. She kissed her mother's cheek and walked to her siblings. The all began to walk out of the house talking and laughing with each other.

Zero smiled at her children brightly. She followed them outside and into the limo.

They stepped out of the limo and into the place the wedding is taking place. Rage pulled at his tie and Zane fixed it. Hero helped Uno with his tie also and Valerie tied Rage's shoes.

Her children walked into the place first and sat in their spots. The Fairy Tail guild Master cried as he walked Zero down the aisle in place of her actual father. Zero stepped up in front of Rouge and smiled. Rouge gasped at the dress she was wearing and smiled.

They did their vows and said their "I do's" then they sealed the deal with a kiss. Rage gaged and Valentine laughed at her sibling. At the reception Zero decided it would be a good time to admit her pregnancy.

"I have an announcement. I'm pregnant!" Rouge spit out his champagne and fainted. Zero gasped and shook him. "Rouge darling..." She said. Hero laughed and took a picture. "Let's cut the cake!" Zero said after she gave up on waking her now husband.

When Rouge woke up his family both Sabertooth and Fairy Tail where having a big brawl. He sweat dropped and downed multiple glasses of champagne.

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