The start of a war

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The night that was supposed to be relaxing, was the beginning of the war. Zero felt a large pressure of magic. She shot up from her bed. Then doubled over in pain. Rouge sat up and asked Zero what was wrong.

"Nothing Rouge! I'm fine. Why are you up?" Zero asked confused. Rouge sighed. "I'm going to visit Lucy." Zero said and hopped out of bed. Zero threw on a a black tank top and a dark purple mini skirt with frills at the end. A red hoodie wrapped around her body. She walked out of her house to Lucy's.

Something felt wrong.

She didn't know what or whom it was but it felt off. Zero held her stomach. She started coughing and eventually threw up black fluid. "Great." She growled. She wiped her mouth with a hiss.

Zero slowly made her way to Lucy's house. She walked in. Then she heard the bath water so she went in the bathroom to see Lucy in the bathtub with a green haired lady. "Lucy are you having a nice bath?" Zero asked sincerely. Lucy sweat dropped. "No I'm not."

"That's not good. What can I do to help?" Zero asked.

"Nothing." The green haired lady said. "Oh ok! Sorry Lucy!" Zero smiled. I only have about ten seconds till I threw up black liquid and pass out. Or become useless. Or go full demon lady mode. Zero thought to herself. "I hope Rouge and the kids are ok." Zero said as the building started to shrink. Zero walked down the stairs after Lucy falls down them.

Sand rolled in making it hard to see. But Zero heard her thoughts. Shit..only four seconds left. Zero hissed in her brain. The green haired lady started sneezing and Cana came. Cana punched her in the face. Zero asked if the green haired lady was ok. Then black liquid started to flow down her lip. She said that she had to go home and check on her kids. She ran into and alleyway and threw up. Then a pulse went through her body making her gasp in pain.

Zero was useless to Fairy Tail. As her father neared so did the disease she cared effects. Zero's hair almost touched the ground and there were only have bangs left white. She grinned and yelled in pain. As her body heated up with unbearably pain. Then Zero passed out. Only half of her bangs white. Time running out for the girl.

One of the Spriggian 12 stumbled upon her and brought her to Zeref. Zeref woke his daughter up.

"Good morning." Zeref said to Zero once she woke up.

"Good morning father." Zero said and threw up way more black fluid than before. Zero wiped her mouth. "I know why you brought me here. And I hope Natsu kills you." Zero seethed with hatred. "You creates this disease and used your daughter as a testing tool. Now your going to try to use that as a way to control me into killing you." Zero explained.

"You where always a smart one." Zeref said. Then stabbed Zero in the shoulder. The white in Zero's hair was going down by the second. Then a spear was shoved through her heart and all the white in Zero's hair.....was completely gone. Zeref laid his daughter down and a light came from her chest.

Zero was in a sleep like state floating in her own mind. Trapped. Thinking of her children....The guild.....Rouge....Everyone.....

But on the outside.

Zero was a monster no pupils. Just red eyes. And a murderous aura. Zero fought as long as she could. But now she has to rely on her family to wake her up. For she can not do so on her own.

Zero stood next to her father as Natsu approached. Zeref and Natsu battled it out until Zero used Devil magic to blast him back. Natsu used his feet to skid to a stop.

"Zero what the hell?!" Natsu shouted. Zero laughed maniacally. "I'm not Zero! She's gone now! I'm her better have. You can call me Five." Five smirked with glowing red eyes as she looked up at Natsu. "I have killed Nations for centuries! And I had a good laugh while doing so! It was very fun. And entertaining! But lately, I have been getting bored. Until dear old dad brought me back. And now. I can have some fun." Five smirked evilly. Five started to cackle which turned into insane giggles.

"What about Rouge and your kids?!" Natsu shouted in anger. "To hell with them. I don't need em anyway. They were just there to pass the time. I never really loved them." Five yawned in boredom.

Natsu started to fight Zero until Zeref stepped in. "You came to kill me right? Then stop fighting my daughter and try." Zeref said. Natsu stopped fighting Five (Zero). Then went on to Zeref.

When Natsu was going to deliver the finishing blow, happy pulled him away. Five sighed in utter boredom. "Let's keep going. I wanna pay my almost hubby a visit." Five smirked. You see. Five and Future Rouge are together. As are Zero and Rouge. Five thinks that this is her time. Where she can just attack Rouge and he will kiss her after and stuff.

Yet with Zero and Rouge, they just don't attack each other. So Five and Rouge's meeting will be...strange..

Mavis felt a new sinister power. She clenched her fist.

"My daughter...." Mavis said.

"What's wrong with Zero?!"

"Zeref is using her. As a weapon." Mavis seethed.

The guild hall gasped.

"Why she was little he was working on magic to kill him. He created a powerful magic called Devil magic. Yet, the person that he fist tested it on was our daughter. Zero. But there is a counter magic. Which is Angel magic or Heaven magic. Given to Zero's twin sister. Wednesday. Yet nobody knows where she is." Mavis explained.

The guild hall gasped. "I knew Zeref was bad but I didn't blink he would use his own daughter to test out magic on." Macao said.

"Something tells me this battle is about to get a whole lot worse." Jet said.

Zeref's daughter ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now