Confession | 14

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This is my 3rd update in just one day lmao...I'm rushing too much...
Anyways, I recommend listening to soft music in this chapter...It'll help set the mood for you...


I was blown away by Jeongyeon's words


Is this...a dream?

Does she me?

She then closed her eyes and turned around, before seeing me.

Her eyes began to widen, as her heart ran faster than normal.

She then asked "H-how long w-were you t-there, Y/N" as she looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"Long for me to hear the things you just said about me" I stated, as I stare at her.

"Ohh, uhm, that's-I'm just practicing for a play that-that I'm doing" Jeongyeon said as she closed her eyes, knowing she wouldn't get away with it.

"Don't lie to me...Jeongyeon...Do me?" I calmly said.

Then there was silence, as we felt the wind rush in. We heard the leaves rustle, as it slowly fell down from the skies.

We were staring at each other, where we looked deep at each other's eyes, with our cheeks burning up to a thousand degrees.

My heart was beating fast, and I was patiently waiting for a response...

She finally opened her mouth and said "F-fine...I like you. Y/N...I like you, so much, that I would do anything just for us to be together"

Tears suddenly rolled down against her cheeks, as she said the following words with all her heart.

"It all started last year, when I was still new to this school. You weren't really the most popular kid in our school, but for me, you were the most kindest and the most helpful person that I have ever met. One day, I was having trouble finding my notebook, as I searched around my backpack. I rummaged through my stuff, finding that notebook, since the exams were near. I then had a panick attack, where I asked my seatmates for notes, but everyone ignored me. Everyone was busy, flirting or gossiping. I was on the verge of tears, when suddenly, someone stood in front of me, handing out a notebook. It was you, Y/N. You gave me your notebook without hesitation. You were the one who helped me that day. I didn't even say thank you. I didn't even return the notebook ever since. I held on to that notebook, hoping to see you again... You were my first crush...and it grew, to a person that I like"

"Eventually I ran out of hope. I didn't really see you after that day...I didn't really know why... Maybe you were ignoring me since I'm a loser, or maybe you regretted lending me your notebook. So I went to this exact rooftop to think about stuff. That's when I saw you, just staring outside, looking at the clouds. I just admired you from afar, and I was curious what you were thinking about. Everyday, you went here, thinking about something so deep, while I observed you from afar. I was too shy to approach you, so I just stared at you, not knowing that I fell for you even more."

"And then I found out that you had a sister, and I found out you were the perfect sibling for her. You always took good care of her, and it just shows how you're actually a really sweet person. And then, this luck just skyrocketed, when I found out we're going to be classmates this year. I remembered when you made that barfing face when Kai and Sana got scolded. That was really funny. I then gathered all my courage, and finally talked to you... And it was the happiest moment in my life..."

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