"Recycle man!" Dean said raising his fist in the air with Excitement.

Grayson ended up going to his mom. She picked him up and held him in her arms. "Bull," the ranger says. shocking the Winchesters. "your friends with that Haley girl, right?"

Darcey spoke up, " thats right"

Wilkinson smiled, " well ill tell you what I told her, her brother filled in out a back country perment, saying he wouldn't be back from Black Water until the 24th,so its not exactly a missing person, now is it. Tell her to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother is just fine."  He finished."We will, if we can see the return date,"

Walking out of the station, Sam said to Dean. "so you looking for a hook up or something?"

Dean looked to his brother. " What do you mean?"

Darcey could feel a fight coming on. "Grayson, go wait in the car." she said he ran off and she watched him get in before she interferes.
"I mean the coordinates lead to Black Water Ridge so what are we waiting for? lets just go find dad, why even talk to this girl?" "guys, I want to find dad as much as you do, but—" she was cut off by Dean, "I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it," Darcey spoke,
"Look, guys, unless we want to find dad, we have to follow his trail, and his trail led here, so let's—" Dean interrupted her.
"Since when are you the shoot first ask questions later guy?" He asked.
"Since now." Sam reply's. The Winchester twins watched as their brother got in the car. "What crawled up his ass?" The sister asked.
Dean shook his head and got in the car as well. Sighing, she eventually got in as well, already feeling the high tension that filled the silence in the car as they drove to Haley's house.


Knocking on the door, the siblings waited for someone to answer. With Grayson in the car with the windows down, he napped.
A girl finally opened the brown door and Dean began talking. " I'm Dean, this is Sam and Darcey, we're rangers down at the park service, ranger Wilkinson sent us. We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother Tommy."
With those words her face turned from serious to worried.
She thought for a minute before asking for some ID.
They held up their badges to her soon, she let them in.

The Winchester's got to work in asking questions.
Sam was first.
"So if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something is wrong?"
Haley brought a bowl from her kitchen and placed it on the table where her other brother sat.
"He checks in everyday by cell. He emails, photos, stupid little videos. We haven't heard anything in over three days now."
"Maybe he can get cell reception Sam . continues.
The girl shakes her head. "He's got a satellite phone."
"Could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in?" Dean asked.
The brother at the table hit it, "he wouldn't do that." He said. "Our parents are gone, it's just my two brothers and me,we all keep pretty close tabs on each other."

Darcey could relate to Haley. The Lord knows how much she worries when Dean or her dad lost contact while on a hunt. "Could I see the pictures he sent you?" Sam asked.

The Collins girl pulled out her laptop and showed the Winchester's the photos. Noticing Sam's facial expression, Darcey saw what he did.
"Well we'll find your brother, we're heading up to Black water first thing in the morning." Dean said.
"Well maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around anymore. I hired a guide and I'm headed there in the morning and finding Tommy my self" she states.

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