"Evidence?" He repeated, practically hissing.

I spoke quietly, "I'm not sure what he has, but he has it. You can't keep on with this, Bates. I don't wanna see you go down."

"There's gotta be a mole," He said. "All that information? You don't just collect it over the years one by one."

"But you can. I highly doubt there's someone snitching around about old stuff. Everyone who knew about the startup graduated already."

He sighed in defeat, "Fuck. Thanks for the heads up."

"Of course."

The sudden sound of police sirens surrounding us made us all jolt in fear. I quickly looked around and saw the flashlights in the distance. It sounded like more police cars were pulling up to surround the area.

"Feds!" Someone screamed. "Run!"

Everyone bolted in a split second. Even Gunnar, whom I've never seen run a day in my life.

We all went in different directions and different angles. I'm more than sure that there are enough ways to get out of here. Gunnar never meets in places where you can easily get backed into a corner.

I went through the same way I came in, jumping over tree branches and garbage trying not to slip up on my footing. The only good thing about the sirens is that I can make whatever noise I want running through all of this debris. I just have to hope that there isn't a cop waiting for me at the other end of this exit.

I eventually slowed down and tried to scope out as much as I possibly could before leaving completely. There wasn't a cop car near this way but I could still hear the others escaping and running from a distance.

I started to run again — this time as far away as I possibly could. Since they made this call this means there will probably be patrol cars all night. Anybody who looks remotely suspicious will probably be pulled over.

Even though I parked my car nearby I don't even think I can run toward it and get in it. It may just be too much of a risk. I've been living in this town long enough to know how these cops work and I know they definitely have this perimeter secured.

I'm sure everyone got here by some kind of transportation so it won't be surprising if they're camping out by several parking spots — waiting to catch one of us.

I continue to hit the main streets populated by few cars. After five more minutes of running I slow down and resort to walking to catch my breath. I can barely hear the sirens now which helps me calm down a little.

My adrenaline is still pumping. I secure my hood over my head once more. With every car I hear behind me, I have to stop myself from jumping and turning around.

The cool air of the night helps me relax. This would've been way easier if Gunnar just let me speak to him over the phone. He completely disturbed my Friday night plan of doing absolutely nothing.

A cop car had slowly passed me. I tried not to make it obvious that I was following it with my eyes, but it wasn't until the sirens went off that I started to run again. I wasn't taking any chances.

I had to run right by the loud black and white sedan in order to get to a good enough safe haven nearby.

This time I was running the fastest I absolutely could while the cop car was trying to cut the tight traffic it was getting stuck behind. I turned a quick corner and another one just so I could lose them.

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