Snow white : The beginning

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Once upon a time in a far away land, in a land ruled by a King and Queen, King Namjoon and Queen Hwasa.

The King and Queen were living happy together, ruling the country fairly and sincerely.

They were living the happy life, and they got even happier when Queen Hwasa got pregnant, the King was overly joyed and the public were even happier with the birth of a heir.

On the seventh month of her pregnancy, on a cold night of November, Hwasa was sitting in front of her open window stitching while watching the snow fall, she got distracted and she stung herself with the needle, as she watched her blood drop on the snow, wishing her unborn child will have skin as white as the snow, hair as dark as the sky night and lips as red as blood.

On the last month of Hwasa pregnancy, the country was facing a problem, the possibility of going to war, in the sake of having peace for his people, his wife and his unborn child, Namjoon left the country in hope of coming into an agreement and unity.

While the King was away, The Queen went in labour for 8 hours, when the baby was finally out the mother was breathing her last breaths asking to see her child before she leaves him.

When she saw him, it was a boy, a beautiful baby boy, he was exactly as she imagined him, she couldn't be happier and most importantly she doesn't regret giving birth to an angel like him, what she regrets is having a weak body, she regrets that she couldn't be with him, she regrets that she will not be able to do all the things she wished she could do with her first born, all the things she promised to do with him when he was in her stomach, she regret it not being able to see him grow up, not being able to stand beside him and support him, not being able to wipe his tears when he cries, her beautiful baby boy, she couldn't be with him.

Feeling herself getting weaker and weaker she said to her baby: " Stay healthy, be happy, grow up to be a great King like your father. Always remember that I love you and I will always watch from above."

As if the baby heard her, he smiled at her with a bright cute smile, making her smile with him, taking her last breath she kissed his head, and left the world with a bright smile on her face.

When King Namjoon got the news of his childbirth and the death of his wife, he rushed back to his country, not caring about anything else.

When King Namjoon entered their bedroom, he heard a baby crying voice, searching for the source of the voice, he saw a a maid carrying a baby trying to shush him, but the kid didn't stop crying as if he is knows his mother is gone.

Namjoon got closer to the maid taking the baby from her hold into his arm, wiping his tears while rocking him to sleep, trying to calm him, and it worked, because after 3 minutes the baby stopped crying, peacefully sleeping with dried tears on the corner of his eyes.

Looking at his son peaceful looking face, he smiled unconsciously, but then he remembered his wife, his gorgeous wife, he turned his head looking for his wife.

When he noticed her body, for a brief minute he thought she is just sleeping, that any moment now she will wake up and hug him like she always does, she couldn't, but she still had that smile that made him fall for her at first sight, her beautiful bright smile.

Namjoon didn't notice the tears falling from his eyes, but his woken baby noticed it, lifting his small hands up trying to reach his father face, so he can to wipe his tears away.

Namjoon chuckled observing his son's action, he was wiping his son's tears 2 minutes, now his son is the one wiping his tears away.

He brought his face closer to his son, so he can wipe the tears, and his son wiped his tears with the same smile, the same smile as his late wife's smile, he was as adorable as her, as precious as her.

While caressing his wife's hair, he promised her to take care of their child, of their dream, of the future of their country, of their Jungkook.

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