CHAPTER 16: She's A Mystery.....

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"I warned you Kemp, that this was the LAST job I was ever gonna do for you! Since I just did it, we're done! Now stay the hell away from me and my guys along with my family!!" I warn him.

"Or what? Do you honestly believe that with what you just did for me moments ago makes us even? No no no no! It doesn't." He smirks at me.

I knew there would be a fucking catch to this asshole. I swear that the sooner this is all over the better. I keep reminding myself though that it's better I do this and pay off my Uncle's debt for good than for Savannah and my Aunt Sallie to find out about his debt at all.

"What is the FINAL job?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"I want you to help me find something. It disappeared and I need it back because it is of great value to me and my club that my old buddy left for me." Kemp tells me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'll send you the details within the next week or two because I'm a bit in a hurry right now. But will keep in touch." He tells me.

Next he hands me a backpack full of the cash I had just made that I planned to put on the side in my camper along with the other money I have been saving for years now.

Although I am paying off my Uncle's debt, Kemp still was decent enough, I guess, to pay me for a little something when I also did a little extra than I was originally asked to do.

After we finished, I hopped on my bike and started making my way back to join the barbecue and fireworks display that both Savannah and Tank wanted to do.

I swear that it's gonna take some getting used to for me accepting them both being together. Not that they would be bad for each other but again, I can be very over protective. I promised my Uncle I would look out for both her and her mom and to take care of them as well.

When I pulled up and was heading towards the camper, I noticed a fire was going on then spotted one of my guys talking with Aleena. I took notice right away that they were hitting on each other and immediately felt annoyed because for one, he has a girlfriend in which I'm sure he has told her about since he flaunts their relationship all the time.

After putting away the backpack, I then headed back outside and sat with Aleena and I right away I seemed to have agitated her as she got up and started heading over by Tank and Savannah to watch the fireworks.

I swear this girl has got some sort of effect of me since normally I wouldn't care in how I acted with anyone but she's different for some reason.

I finish up my beer then toss it in the recycling bin before grabbing another one and walking up closer to Savannah so Aleena doesn't think that I am following her. Although I do find her reactions pretty cute and adorable when I irritate her.

Tank finishes lighting up another firework and then quickly runs out the way back towards us and Savannah then we stand and look up at the sky before another one he apparently had lit right after that one went off. Then he continued lighting up more and as he lit the last several fireworks and hauled ass back to us with him and Savannah both having their arms around each other, I couldn't stop thinking of Aleena.

Just standing here looking at her as the colorful glares from the fireworks radiate and light up across her face, for some reason wants me to go over and do the same.

Believe it or not, I like the public affection stuff and I have a feeling she does too but for some reason, instead of manning up and taking charge I am a complete asshole to her for some reason.

Tonight I hadn't intended on acting or saying what I did to her. I was pissed off about this whole Kemp thing and then after seeing the both her and one of my guys  talking, I got jealous.

I'll admit it, I was completely jealous and it also terrified me at the same time because no girl has ever spoken back to me like she has and gotten away with it. I liked it. In fact, I admired that about her.

It is almost as though she is sweet and innocent looking on the outside and on the inside but has a lot of hidden fire she keeps away for some reason. It's almost as though she refrains herself to doing it because she's afraid or something.

She's a mystery, that's for sure but I'm interested in finding out what all she is about. I just have to be more cautious it seems.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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