CHAPTER 3: Intruder

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After I arrived here a few days ago, I right away met Savannah's mom and she had not only hired me on the spot to work in her diner but then offered me to stay out in the trailer she had out on the side for her other business that was run before by her late husband and happens to be a bike repair shop.

She said I didn't have to pay rent and that I could keep my tips and everything while also feeding me and helping out in any way she can because she told me that when she was a teenager, she had run off with her husband because her parents didn't approve and then eventually, he became part of a biker club and then opened up both their dreams in the small part of Arizona in the desert where there is literally nothing nearby for miles and she has people deliver her groceries and supplies.

I at first had wondered in how she could possibly have enough foot traffic to keep either one, let alone, both places open but then soon realized the next day after I arrived here and am still seeing why.

Her husband and her had gotten a great and famous reputation from serving many and their word of mouths, especially bikers. So she gets a lot of customers.

I felt bad for a while not telling them my full name but I just couldn't risk it. They seem like great people but I just can't risk them either calling my stepdad on me or them just getting hurt.

I haven't told either one but once I have saved enough money and figure out exactly where I want to go to, I will be gone.

My long eight hour shift was over and I had taken a to-go box of some food she had made for me and went to the trailer to take a shower after I ate and got ready for bed.

I was watching some TV and trying to catch up on some episodes from my favorite shows until I eventually fell asleep.

Man, I will never understand why it can be so damn hot during the day here but yet freezing ice cold at night.

I turned the heater on and went back to bed.  I'm not sure in how long I was asleep for before I felt someone place their arm around me and pressed themselves up against my back.

Was this a dream? Who the hell was this? Then I heard a deep husky voice.

"Mmm...I'm so fucking hard right now, Leanna." He says.

I quickly jump up and scream as I seem to apparently also push him onto the floor hard.

"Ah!" He groaned. "What the fuck?!" He says angrily.

I quickly try and grab the closest thing I could grab and found that I was only able to grab a pan from the kitchenette that's close to the bed.

Next I notice the dark figure getting up off the floor and comes charging at me making me hit them over the head and groan loudly in pain.

Luckily I seemed to have hit them hard enough to cause them to fall down and give me enough time to barely escape.

Although I started to worry he was going to come running out after me at any moment. So as soon as I made it to the locked door to the Diner, I immediately began yelling and pounding on the door for someone to open up and thankfully, I saw Savannah, half asleep and half awake come walking down from upstairs towards the door as I begin to cry.

She opens up the door and I immediately run inside and shut the door behind me and have her try and lock it.

"What's going on?" She asks yawning.

"Please, somebody broke into the trailer and tried assaulting me just now." I exclaimed.

"What?!" Her eyes went wide opened now and she quickly grabbed the medal baseball bat that they kept behind the counter for 'emergencies'. Then I noticed her start to walk towards the door.

"Oh god, where are you going?" I asked as I yanked on her arm trying to stop her.

"It'a alright. Trust me, I'll fuck up whoever it is." She tells me.

I still try and have her not leave but she insists on going, so I start walking behind her and we cautiously start to approach the trailer when we hear the guy inside groaning in pain a little bit then we stop halfway and I notice her looking off to the side as she sighs.

"Oh god. His ass wasn't supposed to be here until tomorrow night." I hear her say calmly.

"What do you mean? You know who that person is?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Sorry, I know that bike from anywhere. It belongs to my cousin." She says.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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