CHAPTER 8: What She Doing Here?!

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I watched her as she walked back to her trailer and couldn't help but think to myself several things.

For one, why the hell did I ever tell her about my Aunt and me coming out here when I was little? It almost was like it was easy to say it too.

Another thing that I'm thinking about, is that while walking up here tonight, I hadn't expected to see her here at the same spot that I have always come to at night time every time I come here and to know it wasn't only her but, I'm thinking about what I overheard her say when she mentioned her dad.

My dad was killed in a motorcycle accident and my mother had left me and him alone when I wasn't even two years old yet. So in a way, it broke me a little to hear that her dad had passed. It sounded like they were just as close as my dad and I were.

I stood there finishing my cigarette while looking up at the sky and sat there on the rock looking up at the night sky until I started to feel real wiped out and made my way back towards my trailer. 


The Next Morning

Last night was interesting and I still was thinking about her and what I heard her say out loud to herself. 

I try and shake it out of my head before I try and focus next on going over some ideas with Tank and the club about what our next plan will be. 

We have a few guys that we have been trying to break ties with and have come to an understanding in us doing so and wanting to do better in getting on the right path/track of doing business.

I guess you can say that in a way, it's like we are trying to do 'honest' work. We all have come to an understanding that with our Construction business and between the tattoo shops some already own along with place here like the diner and the bike repair shop, we all are well off.

While me and the guys all headed into town not that far from here, we ended up staying the rest of the day and after we finished with the meeting and just hung out, we decided to head towards the bar here before heading home.

When we stepped inside, people started saying his to us as we haven't seen them in a while. Besides, wouldn't matter anyways  rather or not they knew us already because they know who we are by our name alone and reputation.

While walking around, we all found a few tables in the back towards a few pool tables and sat all around in different spots. Then after the waitress brought us a few rounds and we started playing some pool, we suddenly heard some drunk guys whistling at whoever just walked in.

As I turned my head to take a look while Tank his turn at Pool, I nearly lost it when I saw Savannah and Aleena with her. What the hell was Savannah doing here and bringing someone like Aleena in here too?

I have told her time and time again never to come in here because of how dangerous it is and I know she is tough on many levels, but not where she needs to be for this place.

"Uh-oh." I hear Tank suddenly say.

"I have told her so many fucking times not to come in here and now she's bringing her new little friend and putting her in a dangerous situation." I shake my head a little pissed off.

I down the rest of my beer then start making my way towards them at the bar when I feel myself being stopped by Tank.

"Relax man. We are all here and everybody else knows your cousin. Nobody will dare fuck with her." He tries to assure me.

"But there are non-locals here too." I point out.

"True, but I'm sure things will be okay. Come on, it's your turn anyways." He says as he hands me my pool stick.

It takes me a moment to calm down but I do and end up ordering another beer from the waitress walking around then continue playing the game.

Every now and then, I look out the corner of my eye and keep an eye on them. It's hard for me not to want to crush the skulls of all the guys hitting on my cousin but it does put me at ease a little to know that nobody has tried anything on Aleena. Although I don't understand as to why.

I mean, sure she is curvy and would love nothing more than to hold onto them as she....DAMNIT! I have to stop thinking that way.

I try and ignore my thoughts as I take a few more drinks from my beer and finish playing the round of pool.

Then not too much longer after Tank started racking up for another game, I heard yelling going on and looked over to see it's some slut and Savannah getting in a fist fight with each other and some drunk asshole holding back Aleena as she's trying to wriggle free from the asshole's grasp.

Then I notice quickly my men coming and helping out trying to break the two girls apart, which of course I knew this would happen, then Tank and I both began heading over towards the crowd and take care of this.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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