32 - After

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"Now, we welcome James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender!" Jimmy Kimmel's voice announced loudly. 

James and Michael walked out together and grinned when the audience applauded and cheered. 

James and Michael greeted Jimmy and sat down. Once the applause settled down, the interview started. 

"So. Dark Phoenix. This is your fourth movie together, right. How does it feel to have gone through so much and have it end. Because this is, as I understand, the last movie of the X-Men franchise." 

James nodded. "It's been a super fun trip. I'm so glad I got to meet everyone I did and connect with them the way I connected on the making of this movie." 

"Yeh. There have been ups and downs but we powered through and managed to get to the finish line. I believe it was worth it all," Michael added. 

The interview went smoothly and there were a few laughs. 

"I know you guys play almost psychotic games on set. Were there any newer games that you guys played on set?" Jimmy asked. 

Michael and James exchanged a look. 

"No," Michael answered. "As we all knew this was the last movie, we wanted to make the most of it together and not making the director mad, as it was Simon's first time directing a movie."  

Jimmy nods. "And you guys still have a strong bond. Do you know if you will be working together in the future because I'm sure loads of people would love to see more of your bromantic chemistry." 

James leans on Michael's should with a huge smile on his face. "I don't believe we have anything planned for the future. But we would truly love to do an epilogue series of what Charles and Erik do," Michael said. 

"Well, that's sadly all the time we have. X-Men: Dark Phoenix comes out June 5th, don't miss it!" Jimmy excused James and Michael and the two half-mutants left. 

As soon as they were off stage, their hands intertwined and they smiled at each other. 

- ⊗ -

The stall door closed with a tiny click. 

James and Michael were in the airport bathroom. James' flight to London was going to take off in twenty minutes while Michael's flight to Düsseldorf, Germany would be taking off in an hour. 

The second the door closed, their lips were connected. James was just able to wrap his arms around Michael's neck.

When they pulled apart for air, Michael noticed James had tears in his eyes. I don't want to leave you, Michael. James said to Fassy telepathically. 

Michael nods. "I know. I don't want to leave you either. But it's for our safety and the safety of the world," Michael spoke just over a whisper. 

"I love you, Michael Fassbender." 

"I love you too, James McAvoy."

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