22 - Wait

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"That would make sense!" Sadie added, nodding at Jen. 

Everyone looked at Michael, waiting for an answer. "I..." he repeated. 

"Well?" Jen was starting to get angry. Something she really didn't do unless she was really offended. And she was really offended that Michael didn't tell her. She wanted to know. She wanted to help!

"Jen." It was Kris. She spoke just over a whisper. "Calm down a bit, ok?" 

"Calm down?" Jen glared at Kris. "I won't calm down. I'm surprised you're calm! Your boyfriend is in some sort of coma and these fucks won't tell us why or how they are helping him, if they are helping him at all because it looks like James is having a great nap right now! With a massage and everything!"

Michael's hand clenched. Jen didn't know what she was getting into. She didn't know the dangers. She didn't know that someone already died and it's just beginning! She doesn't know what's going on. Jen doesn't understand that is better if she just doesn't know anything about what's going on. 

"You'll have to use your voice, Michael." Jen says. 

Sadie placed a hand on Jen's shoulder to tell her to take it down. Yes, Sadie wanted to know as well, but she knew it wasn't the right time. 

Jen shrugged her hand off and stepped to move in front of Michael. "Tell us." She says sharply. 

To Michael's relief, Ellen steps in. Not literally, of course, because she had to stand with both hands on James' forehead. 

"Leave him alone. He can tell you when he feels necessary, ok?"

Michael gave a small smile to Ellen to thank her. His eyes move towards Chris. He looks at his friend sitting on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the wall. Fassy then looks at James. "I'll be right back." Michael spoke quietly. "Bathroom." He explained. 

Without saying anything, Michael left to make his way to the closest bathroom. Michael had needed to ask one of the doctors where it was and was pointed down a hall. 

Once Michael got to the restroom (he was thrilled to find it wasn't like a public bathroom), he slid down the wall of the bathroom and pulled his knees to his chest. Michael needed to calm himself down before he got too far into panic mode. 

But by trying to calm down, Michael was letting his mind retrace what had already happened. He and James somehow received the powers of made-up superhero mutants. Michael could, essentially, steal some of James' power. Whether James could steal some from Michael is yet to be determined. Michael killed a man. James' cousin died. That was two lives lost. And this was just beginning. 

There was a quiet knock on the door. "I'll be right out" Michael called, his voice cracking. 

//"iM wOrKiN OuT" -James McAvoy, teasing Michael Fassbender about the 'sounds' he makes when Fassy works out.\\

The door opened a crack. Why did Michael forget to lock the god damn door??

Sadie stepped in. 

"Y-you're not supposed to be in here." Michael said. 

"And five people aren't aloud to visit Chris in the hospital. We're all aloud to break rules." Said said with a shrug. "Now, I know you aren't going to tell me what you're keeping from us but could you at least tell me why?" 

"Because people can get hurt. Two have already died. We're trying to save Chris before he joins them." said Michael quietly. 

Sadie sits in silence for a few moments. "Thanks for telling me, Michael. It's not the whole thing, but, thank you. And I'm sorry for the way Jen is behaving. We all have our ways with dealing with this stuff." 

Michael nodded. "Sadie, you don't have to apologize for how another person is behaving." 

"I know." Sadie says as she stands up from kneeling down next to Michael. "But it feels right." She makes her way to the door. "Come back when you feel ready." 

"Sadie! Wait!" Michael called after her. 

Sadie stopped, her hand about to turn the doorknob. "Yea?" 

"It-it's James." Michael says, a little embarrassed. Fassbender takes a breath. "I like him. I have liked him for a really long time now. I've tried telling him, but each time I do, he's asleep or drunk." 

Or dying. 

Sadie gives Michael a kind smile. "I guess when the right time comes for him to hear you, he'll hear you." She smiles at him one more time before leaving. 

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