30 - Attack

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James took a breath to ready himself for this plan he had just recently come up with. He didn't know if it would work at all. Would he even be able to lure Onslaught out of Erik's body? What if Charles was wrong and Onslaught could possess half-mutants? 

McAvoy peaked over the bush he and Charles were hiding behind. Erik stood tall and had to be at least a couple inches taller than Michael. Erik's hair was only a bit shorter than Fassy's and his skin was much paler. 

"Charles... I can practically feel him. He's close," Onslaught was talking to himself. 

Onslaught's POV because I can. 

My plan was simple. Have two of the most powerful mutants under my control and then take over. I had had other mutants capture them for me so I could take real form. But those stupid bastards left and all died because of some two random humans who Charles and Erik had gotten in contact with got too much attention. 

Charles was able to break free before I could get to him. The weak thing was scared and ran for his life. 

I was able to grab ahold of Magneto before Erik could run off. Erik is more powerful yet Charles is connected to every single being on this world. 

And no, I don't have their powers. I only have a piece of their consciousness. Once I control them, however, then I have their powers. 

Since I have part of Charles' consciousness, I can tell how close or how far away he is from me. And right now, he seems very close. 

Another thing that helps with my wonderful plan is that since I have Erik, Charles will come and try to save him because Charles cares sooo much about Erik. 

Tip for any mutants out there: don't get attached to people. It becomes a weakness. 

"Oi!" I turn when I hear a voice. Charles must be here. Finally. Took him long enough. 

Except... it's not Charles. The man in front of me looks weirdly similar to Charles, but I can tell it isn't. I can tell because I can't read his mind. Which is very odd, may I add. 

3rd POV

James stood with a glare on his face. He had taken a few steps out from the bush but since Onslaught didn't notice him right agay, he called out to the mutant. 

"Who are you?" Onslaught asked, his voice deep. 

James smirked ever so slightly. "I'm going to help you." 

"Oh?" Onslaught asked, his voice slightly mocking. 

"Yea." James stood up gayer. "I am James McAvoy and have received the rest of Charles Xavier's power. I understand that you have the remains of Charles' consciousness and would like to give myself up to you. I would gladly be sacrificed to help someone who is an enemy of Professor X and an enemy of the world." 

It was at times like these where James was glad he was an actor. Being an actor meant he could easily fool anyone with his lying. And he could act like he truly meant something he didn't. 

James held his arms out and stood in a T-pose. "I want to give up Charles' mutations that I have within myself to you. Charles Xavier is left with no more power and will be of no use to you if you were to find his body."

Onslaught nodded. "Alright." Onslaught closed his eyes and willed himself to seep into James' consciousness... But he couldn't. 

"I must be too powerful for you to have both me and Erik at once." James said. "You will have to control me first and then him. Controlling me first will allow you to have much more powerful people under you command."

James spoke like this really was the truth. Charles was honestly surprised at how well he was coming up with this lie and going with it. 

Onslaught nodded once again, believing James. 

James took a small step backwards. Erik's chest moved forward and his back bent. Seconds later, a cloud of psionic energy formed in front of James. Erik's body dropped to the ground. James kept his arms out, ready for the feeling to come. 

"NOW MICHAEL" James yelled.  

Michael jumped out from behind his hiding spot and held his arms out. The cloud started to twitch as it tried to escape the sudden grasp that came from Michael's control of the magnetic field around Onslaught. 

Charles ran from his spot, once he was certain Michael had Onslaught trapped, and went right to Erik. 

James placed two fingers on his temple and was able to send a mental wave of strength to Michael to help him. 

Michael's mouth opened in a silent scream. His hands were shaking as he tried to keep the psionic energy trapped. Onslaught was strong and would not give up on fighting back for freedom. 

Charles stepped away from Erik, almost unwillingly, and mimicking James' movement and helping to keep Michael's strength high. Even with the extra strength, Michael was still shaking violently. 

Fassbender was doing his best to keep Onslaught concealed. But he was failing slowly. Tears started to stream down his face as the extent of his power was nearing. Onslaught was doing all that he could to break free from Michael's grasp. 

"Can't— do it," Michael tried to say through gritted teeth. 

Just like in some of the superhero movies, Michael's feet rose off the ground. Fassy was putting in all he had and the amount of power in him was coming close to the finish line. His power was running out. And fast.

The ground beneath Charles, James, and Erik began to shake. 

Just as Michael was about to reach the limit of his power, he felt some of Onslaught's resistance fade. Michael could barely move his head an inch to see why. 

Erik stood, both hands out, with his face scrunched up in concentration. The fact that Erik was helping him, gave Michael the belief that he could actually win. 

It could have been Erik's help or it could have been the faith Michael suddenly had in himself that caused a loud boom. 

Michael was thrown back and hit a tree before falling to the ground. Erik had to take a step back as to not fall from the impact he was given. 

The cloud of psionic energy that had the name of Onslaught was gone. 

James sprinted over to Michael and crouched down in front of him. Michael looked up at James with half-lidded eyes. Fassbender was able to move in and hug James before everything went black. 

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