2 - Trouble

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//A/N: hey guys. If you have read this chapter already, please check the chapter labeled A/N. I am switching up the events that happen in this chapter.

Sorry for switching the POVs a lot. \

3rd POV

Michael's eyes widened but he didn't say anything. 

"We were running from.. something. I couldn't see what it was. That thing stopped us somehow. I felt a pain across my face and everything went black. Next thing I knew, I woke up tied to a chair. It was dark. I couldn't see where I was. Then this thing showed up. It started to glow?  I must've been me again because the glowing being went for what I think was Charles. Y'know how I am with my characters.. I asked it to stop. Charles started to yell in pain. The thing started to glow brighter. Then it stopped leaving Charles unconscious. And it went to me. It grabbed my shoulders and I felt so much pain. It hurt like hell, mate. It was awful. The being said something about the process being complete.. and then I woke up."

James shook his head. "It was just a dream." Michael immediately disagreed with him. "No, James. I think it was more. I had almost the exact same dream but I woke up after you got hit across the face and fell unconscious.." 

The two actors looked at each other for a second. 

"Did you come to check on me or something else on your mind?" James asked after the pause, changing the subject. Michael hesitated.

Michael's POV

I quickly went over my options. Tell  James about my... mutation and get laughed at or lie and forever regret it. 

I'll sound stupid. And over dramatic. He wouldn't believe me, anyways.

But if he did believe me.. then I-we could figure this out. 

I was about to say something when I saw James wince. A hand went to his head. "Ow ow ow." He muttered quietly. 

"James?" I said, concerned for my friend. The Scottish actor looked up at me, blue, gorgeous eyes wide. 

It was hard to admit out loud, but me and James always had a connection. In the beginning it was just a strong friendship. I've wanted it to be more, though that can't happen. James doesn't feel the same way about me. Sure, I have never asked him but I just get a feeling that he doesn't have the same feelings. 

James' POV

I sat tied to a chair in the dark. I couldn't see a thing. Maybe I had a blindfold on, I couldn't tell. What happened? Then, I remembered. We were getting chased. I tried to get Erik to stay back once that creature got to us. And then things went dark. I forced my mutation out to try and catch any of my captor's thoughts. Nothing whatsoever. Silence.

When me and Erik first met and had a connection, a placed a mental connector in his brain so when his helmet was off, if I wanted to, I could easily hear his thoughts.

I focused on putting that muscle to work. Still silence. What the hell was going on? I tried again harder to reach out to someone. Anyone. Silence was all that answered me.

"Having trouble?" A voice asked from the darkness. The sudden noise made me jump. I heard a chuckle. "Welcome to intro to my pain" The voice said deeply. I felt a pain across my face like I had just been whipped. 

My head throbbed and I blinked. I was back to reality. Was that- I think that was.. Charles? It was definitely his memories but I was in his place, just watching. 

"I-I think I need some fresh air. I'll be right back." I said quietly. Without a response, Michael helped me get out of my bed. I was able to make it outside of my trailer without him. 

I leaned against the wall of my trailer, my head spun. Voices that weren't mine filled my head. The outside world danced in front of my eyes. 

I wonder what's wrong... 

My eyes went wide. I turned trying to look for the source of the voice. I didn't see Michael anywhere. The fuck is happening? 

I heard the door open. I didn't bother turning. "You look even worse then me." Fassy said. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, mate." I said sarcastically and jokingly. 



I turned. Michael looked shocked.  "Why'd you say you that?" He asked quietly. I looked at him. "You said I look worse than you." I state.

Michael shakes his head. "I didn't say anything." 

"Y-yes you did."

Michael's POV //Go back like two mins\\

I sat in James room for a second. The image of my friend still in my head. He looked pale. I wonder what's wrong. I think as I stand up and walk to the door. I open it and look at my friend. He looks worse than me. 

James doesn't even turn around when he says "thanks, mate." I blink. W-what? 



James turns to me. We both looked shocked. Did he just read my mind? No.. maybe? I don't know. "Why'd you say that?" I ask James. James looks at me. "Because you said it-? You said I look worse than you and I said thanks mate." 

I didn't say that out loud, did I? Time for a test run.

James' POV

I look at Michael standing there for a second. Random voices were still attacking my mind and overwhelming my consciousness. 

CAN YOU STILL HEAR ME?! A voice screams in my head. The sudden loud noise makes me jump. It was Michael's voice. But he wasn't moving his mouth.. 

Michael's POV

I see James jump. Testing process complete. 

"James..." I say quietly. He looks at me, eyes wide and sharp. "You heard that?" James nods after a second. 

Can you hear my thoughts? I thought at him at a normal sound level. James ran a hand through his hair. "Fuck, mate. I think I can.. this is awful. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I can read minds. I can't stop it. How am I supposed to give everyone their privacy?" James was panicking. 

I reached a hand out and grabbed his shoulder. "Hey, it's gonna be alright." He shook his head. "No. No it won't be. I can't control it. What if I hear something I'm not supposed to?" His breathing quickened. 

"How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why now? Why during this film? What if I'm trying to be Charles and use his telepathic abilities and accidentally make something happen?" James was talking quickly. 

"Carson a dh 'fheumas seo tachairt a-nis? Dh 'fhaodadh e bhith aig àm sam bith, ach a-nis. Chan eil. Feumaidh e a bhith a-nis agus FEUMAIDH e tachairt dhomh." James started speaking Scottish Gaelic out of panic.

//I hope I did that right. Use google translate. I'm going to assume James can speak this but I have no idea. Pretty sure he only speaks English.. fuck it\\

"English." I reminded him. He only glared at me. 

I felt a pain across my face and me and James winced at the same time. The pain came again for a second time. "Ow." James said quietly. We looked at each other, both confused. 

What could this mean?

I had one answer. 


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