11 - Oh Shi-

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James' POV

My eyes snapped open. A line of sweat lined my forehead. I felt Michael pull away from me, his eyes wide. 

"You saw that as well?" I asked him. 

He nods, silently. 

They're after me. A voice in my head said. This time it actually belonged to me. Me. They want me dead. 

The word 'dead' echoed throughout my head. 

"We're gonna get through this" Michael says softly. 

I glare at him. "My cousin didn't!" 

Michael shuts his mouth and I feel a twinge of guilt. 

"July 16." I say after a second. "A month and three days from today." 

3rd POV

Michael looks over at the clock. It was getting late. 

"The others are probably back by now, it's late. I should probably get going." Michael's voice was flat and lacked the emotion that was usually audible. 

James looked up at him for a second, slightly surprised. He nodded, feeling only slightly better than before Michael had entered his trailer. 

Fassy stood up. After giving James a pat on the back as a goodbye, he left the bedroom and then left James' trailer. 

It seemed pitch black. Michael took out his phone and turned on the flashlight. The dim light from his phone led the way back to Michael's trailer. 

His mind was blank and he just wanted to get into bed and fall asleep. Michael needed rest. Tomorrow, he was told, was going to be a big day of filming. They were going to film the first fight big scene. 

Weather was going to good so they would likely film outside. Chris said there was going to be a helicopter and not green screen. 

//I'm blanking on the correct word, sorry!\\

Michael finally made it to his trailer after what seemed like three hours. In truth, it had been a slow five minute walk from James' trailer to Michael's. The trailer park was empty and silent as the Irish-German actor walked mindlessly. 

His eyes were only just adjusting when Michael reached his trailer. He opened the door and walked in. He had forgotten to turn the bathroom light off. Michael huffed, only wanting to go to bed, and shut off the light. 

Fassy changed into his pajamas and got into bed. He didn't even bother to turn the lights on of his trailer, only shutting off the god damn light in the bathroom. 

He almost fell onto his bed. Too tired to pull the sheets over himself, Michael fell asleep right there and then. 

It felt only seconds later that there was a knocking at the door. The sound was just barely audible, but it was enough to wake Michael up. 

With a small groan, he stood up. Michael stretched a bit. There was another knock on the door, this time louder and seemingly more urgent. "Yeah, yeah" Michael muttered as he made his way to the door. 

Nick was standing there, properly dressed and already ready to start the day. His arms were crossed and there were a few, small, dark bags under his eyes. Nick's hair was kept brushed out of his face and looked slightly messy.  He wasn't wearing a costume and it looked like he was in casual clothes. 

"I was right, wasn't I?" Nick asks, taking a step towards Michael as soon as he opens the door. Michael looks at him, pretending to be confused. 


Nick rolls his eyes in a very un-Nick way. "Last night. I saw you move a coin. I did, didn't I?" He asked again, looking dead serious. 

Michael tried to shake him off. "No. I don't know what you're talking about." Nick stayed firm. "Yes, you do. You moved that coin with James. Your hand was out and everything." Fassbender shook his head. 

"No. You're mistaken. If you scuse me, I have to get ready to go get my makeup and outfit put on." 

He tried to close the door. Nick pushed out a hand and blocked the door from closing. 

Michael had an advantage, though. The door was made out of metal. Using a bit, and only a bit, Michael pushed with his mutation to close the door to his temporary home. 

But Nick moved a bit forward and onto the first step that lead to this trailer, pushing the door wide open. Nick moved up the stairs and inside the trailer, making Michael move back. 

"Michael. I know I saw what I saw." Nick said. "I guess you don't trust me enough to say." He was trying to guilt Michael into thinking it would be better if he told Nick. 

Michael's POV

I am not telling Nick. 


I am not putting Nick in danger because I slipped up and accidentally let him see that I used my mutation. I can't. And I won't. 

"No. I don't trust myself to not put you in danger."

"HA!" Nick almost yelled. "So you admit it!!"


"Wait." Hoult's excitement plummeted to the ground. "Danger? Why would I be in danger?" 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

"I did not admit it!" I argued. My voice betrayed me and cracked in the middle of the sentence. 

"I won't be in danger, Michael. I... I just want to help." Nick's voice softened. It almost reminded me of James. 

James was going to be pissed once he found out that Nick had discovered our secret and added him to the danger of getting killed.  

"Well you can't help." I say stubbornly. 

Nick looked at me. "But I want to try. You are my friend, Michael. It's my duty to help. Or in my definition of friendship, it is." He gave a me a smile, trying to bring my mood up. 

Of course, it didn't work. 

I shook my head. "No. I can't put you in more danger. You are already in danger by suspecting that I have and- have a secret. Hell, you're in danger by being here. Everyone is." My voice got louder as I went on. 

It was true. Every single person on this set is in danger. Everywhere I go, I'll be putting people in danger. 

Nick's POV

It couldn't be that bad! Anything that is a threat to me and anyone else working here is given to the police or government. 

My gut instinct was to tell Michael to tell the police. That's just a logical thing to do. 

And if something could cause danger to Michael, I would stand with him. Even if it killed me. That's what friends are for! 

"I don't care if there's danger. I don't care if I get hurt, just tell me!" I say almost harshly. 

Michael took a deep breath. 

"Mutant." He said. "I'm a mutant."

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