7 - Nick

713 31 4

Michael's POV

I had returned to my own cabin about half an hour later. I got out of the clothes I wore yesterday and put on some new, fresh ones for before and after I get my costume and makeup on. 

There were two sections to the trailer park. The part where everyone "lived" and the part where everyone would get ready. It was half and half. 

I grab a water bottle and fill it up with cold water. That might last the day. I think to myself. With a quiet click, a place the cap of the bottle onto the bottle and exit from my trailer to make it over to the makeup/costume section of the trailers. 

Trailer 349. That's where I needed to go. 

The door of 349 was replaced with a screen to let the warm in air before it started to rain. The weather in MA during June seemed nice. Not too cold, not too warm. 

I opened the screen door of the trailer and walked in. Three people* were already inside. Sadie, Kris, and Chris. 

Sadie worked on my makeup. She's short and kind. 

Kris M. works on my costume. She's the tallest of the three and has bright orange hair. 

Chris J. helps with my hair. He is smart and very open about being gay. He's a sweetheart. 

"Hello, all." I say announcing my arrival. "Sorry that I'm late. I had some issues to deal with." 

I wince at my words. James wasn't an issue. 

We were supposed to be in our makeup cabins by 6:45, which made me ten minutes late.  

Sadie nods. "It's alright. We'll just have to go a bit quicker than usual."

Normally, I was never late. Kris gave me an odd look but shrugged it off. Chris was looking at his phone. 

"Scene 7, 9, and 18 that you're in today, Fassy." He announces, looking up from his phone. "Scene 7 and 9 have the casual and 18 has battle." He informs the other two members of his team. Chris was a bit like the leader of this trio. He was the one who got informed of what scenes were going to be filmed, who would be needed for each scene, and so on. 

Both females nodded. Kris quickly found my costume for scene 7 and 9. I slid into the clothes, it was a bit tight, especially the pants. That was normal. I came back out from the bathroom where I had changed and got inspected by Kris. 

Kris adjusted the top of the black shirt I had on a bit. 

The end of the sleeves on this shirt were rolled back and bunched together just below my elbow joints on both arms. I had a grey jeans on that had multiple pockets. 

Kris handed me a watch and a chain necklace. "Put the necklace under your shirt." She said. I pulled the long chain hoop over my neck and pushed it under the top of my shirt. 

The next thing I saw was Sadie's large smile. She tugged my arm and pulled me into a chair that sat in front of a brightly lit mirror. 

Lights surrounded the large mirror and lots of makeup sat below it on a table. Too many cups and containers that held makeup, I didn't want to count. 

I felt a buzz in my pocket as Sadie started to do my makeup. I didn't need a lot of makeup but enough to cover up anything that needed to be covered up. 

My phone kept buzzing. I sighed slightly and took out my phone without moving my head. 

Oh, lord.

James had added everyone to a large group chat with all the cast and crew. Again. 

'Hey,' James texted. 'There's going to be a meteor shower tonight after the storm clears up. Clear skies. Anyone want to go?'

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