5 - Overdose

889 35 16

//Trigger warning of alcohol??\\

Fassy's POV 

I gave James a small smile. "Do you want to start now while we still have time or wait neither of us have to film?" 

James thought for a second. "Let's start the basics right now, k? If you want." 

I nodded. "Whatever you want." James copied my nod. 

"Promise me one thing" I start as we walk towards his trailer because his is bigger (he teases me a lot about this). "You'll try and stop  using drugs and alcohol to ease your mutation." 

He hesitates. 


"Right. Right. I promise." James rolls his eyes slightly. 

I smiled in triumph. "What should we do to start?" I ask as we arrive at the door of James' trailer. "Yers." He says without any hesitation.

"Alright. Just know that I haven't exactly mastered it."

James gives me a kind smile. "That's why we are practicing, is it not?." He opens the door to the trailer and holds it for me. I walk in first.

"Let's see" James mutters looking around the room. He walks over to a bureau and opens one of the drawers in it. He takes out a small object. A quarter. James places it on the table. "Try teh move it." He says.

I stare at him. A memory triggers.

Another dream. I was in the place of young Erik. It was the scene where Shaw/Schmidt asks him to move a coin and kills Erik's mother when he can't move the coin. I was able to feel all of Erik's emotions and all his emotions after that moment. 

I blink. James is looking at me. 

"You saw that too?" He nods. 

"You don't have to-."

"I know. But I can't. I can't do it, James. I want to but I don't know how to" I say quietly. I sit back on the couch. James moves to sit next to me.

"Michael. Yeh can do it, mate. Practice is all you- we need." His voice was quiet and reassuring. Why does he have to only hear my thoughts all the time?

James shakes his head. "I don't know. I don't know." 

After about a minute of silence, James softly speaks. "Try to move it. If you aren't able, try a different tactic, and we'll just keep trying."

I nod and slowly reach my hand out. It feels a little awkward but I do it anyway. I try to focus on moving the coin. My hand starts to shake. And faster than usual, my arm gets tired from staying so stiff mid-air. 

My arm falls to my side and I sigh. 

"The point between rage and serenity" James says quietly to me. I smile over at him a bit. 

Trying again, I thought of things that upset me. My mind fell on the man who punched me and how he had hurt a teenager. 

Not only did the coin start to move, it started to shake uncontrollably.

"Take it down a little bit." James said. I obeyed. As soon as I did, the coin stopped moving. I scowled. 

I tried again. Still the same result. "It's either too much or not enough!" I angrily complain to James with a frown.

He rubs my back gently. "Let's try again." He said. 

A deep breath. 

Ok. I got this.

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