8 - Busted

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//Trigger warning: panic attack later in chapter; Questions about death.\\

Fassy's POV


Nick's voice was sharp. "How did you do it?" He repeats for a third time. 

Both me and James sat in silence as we looked up at Nick. We both didn't want to put Nick in danger. Danger was something we couldn't escape, but if we told Nick, he'd be trapped right with us. 

Nick crosses his arms. "Well?" 

I looked up at Nick with pained eyes. Pain he wouldn't understand. 

"You wouldn't understand" I said sharply. 

"Try me." 

I sighed and looked over at James for support. He looked back at me. I dun know what to do. He said mentally to me. 

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. What could I say? How could I explain this without putting Nick in more danger? How could I put this without sounding suspicious and without telling the full truth?

"Oi! Nick! Leave the lovebirds alone!" Someone called over to Nick, teasing me and James.

It was Jen. 

Saved by Jenifer Lawrence! 

Nick gave us one last glance before turning and walking over to the group. 

Nick's POV

I definitely saw that coin float. I'm not crazy!! Right? 

Why wouldn't James or Michael explain what happened? What were they so afraid of?? 

I sat down on my towel that I had brought as Jen walked over to me. 

"I thought you agreed to leave them alone? Michael looked like he was gonna make a move! I need that twenty." She said with a smile on her face. 

I roll my eyes at her. 

Me, Jen, and Sophie had a bet on who would make the first move. Whoever won got ten dollars from the other two. 

Jen thought Michael would make the first move. 

I think James will.

Sophie says that they're just friends and probably won't become much more. 

"I think... James and Michael are keeping secrets. As in too big of a secret to be kept secret." I explain. 

Jen just looks at me. 

"If they needed to tell us something, they would have told us." She repliés before looking up. 

"I saw one!" A person yells making everyone else look up as well. 

The show was beginning. 

James' POV

I saw Michael look up at the stars. I knew everyone else did too. 


I didn't want to do that right now. 

Nick was now in danger and he didn't even know the full part! 

It was at this moment when reality hit me. 

I was in danger. Michael was in danger. And now Nick was as well. Charles fucking Xavier was getting abused lord knows where. Erik Lehnsherr probably was too. Whoever was abusing them was looking for us. 

We were in danger. People wanted us dead because we had two supposedly fictional characters' powers. 

Two men from a whole different universe gave their powers to us to save themselves and by doing so, put us in danger.

...I didn't want to die. 

I don't want to die. 

I don't want to be in danger. I don't want Michael to be in danger. Or Nick. Or anyone else who may find out in the future. 

I don't want to have mutations or powers or telepathic connections to every god damn person in this world that I can just barely control. I don't want to be connected to this comic superhero. I liked it better when they were just fake. When none of this cross-universe mutation-crossing thing wasn't one of my worries. 

I do not want this. 

I feel a knot start to tie itself into the back of my throat. 

"I-I'm going to go back" I say in a hoarse whisper to Michael, standing up. Michael looked up at me, confused.

"Alright? Are you ok?" 

I can only nod as I pack my stuff up. 

Without saying goodbye to Michael or anyone else, I silently leave. Tears filled my eyes but I try to hold them back until I get back to set. 

My breathing was picking up pace and fast. I started to run.

A few tears fell down my face as I ran against the wind. 

By the time I reach set, my face is covered with tears. But they were still coming. 

I quickly made my way to my trailer and went inside, hoping no one saw me. As soon as I closed my door, I let everything go to hell. 

I was really scared. 

I. Don't. Want. To. Die. 

I repeat this phrase over and over to myself, making everything feel ten times worse. 

It was the truth, though. I was terrified out of my wits. 

Before, I've never really thought about death. Sure, sometimes as a small kid in Glasgow, I would think about it. But as an adult, the thought never really came to my mind a lot. 

Now. People with fucking powers from a different fucking universe wanted me and Michael dead because we received the characters we play in a film's mutations. 

 I let of a few whimpers before gasping for air. The knot in my throat was only getting bigger. 

I don't want to get hurt. I don't want Mikey to get hurt. I don't want to hear voices of everyone else's thoughts all the fucking time. 

With a stumble, I clamper over to my bed and curl up on it. Tears still fell relatively fast. Air was getting harder and harder to receive as I kept going. 

I didn't want to keep crying. The stereotype of males not crying is even worse as an adult. Adults are suppose to show calmness and control and not show negative emotions. Particularly men and particularly crying. 

3rd POV

James continued to sob, trying and failing miserably to calm himself down. But his brain could only think of the bad things that would happen in the future? 

How would he die?

Would whoever is coming after him make it quick and painless? Or slow and dreadful? 

Would he be with Michael? Would they go down together? 

If they both did die, then what would happen to Charles and Erik? 

How would the world react to his and Michael's death if they died together? 

What would Michael's reaction be if only James died? And James' to Michael? 

James really didn't want Michael to die. Hell. He would rather have himself get killed than to have Michael die and be left on this god awful planet without Fassbender. 

Being too busy thinking about the worse possibilities and making everything worse for himself, James didn't notice the door to his trailer open. 

Fassy walked in slowly and quietly. The door to James' room was open just a smidge. Michael could hear James sobbing. 


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