23 - Better

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Michael took a few more minutes before he went back to the hospital room. 

It could have been Michael's presence back in the room or just sheer coincidence that James woke up only seconds after Fassbender got back into the room. 

"Well?" Ellen was first to speak. James looked at Page and then Michael and then Chris. 

Everyone stood in silence as they waited to see if Chris would wake up. A minute passed and everyone there was starting to loose hope that Chris would ever wake up. If whatever James did didn't work, then who knows if anything would work. 

To everyone's surprise, Chris blinked and gave a pained groan. "Chris!" Kris jumped to his bedside. Chris smiled up at her. "Hey, Krissy."

"How are you feeling?" Kris asked Chris. "I feel like crap. But alive." 

"Someone get a doctor fro Chris. Everyone else, hide with James." Ellen instructed. 

Jen volunteered to get the doctors. Michael, Sadie, and Ellen all stepped towards James. 

"Huh. McAvoy, I had a dream that you were in." Chris says, looking at James. James had stood up and gave a weak smile to Chris. "Tell me about it after you're checked by the doctors." 

Michael wrapped an arm around James. James smiled up at Michael and leaned on him a bit. "Are you feeling alright, James?" Michael asked. 

"I'm fine, mate." James responded. 

The three actors and one artist huddled together. They waited for Jen to open the door and come back with a doctor or nurse or whoever she finds. 

James' head rested on Michael's shoulder. Fassy's hand moved up and down James' arm in a calming movement. 

The door handle turned. James put two fingers to his temple and made the four of them seem to have disappeared. 

Don't say a word about us. James transferred to Chris mentally. Chris looked confused but gave a quick, small nod. 

Jen came in the door with a doctor and a nurse behind her. The nurse had a small machine on wheels behind him and the doctor had a clipboard in her hand. 

"Hello, Chris. Welcome back. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. 

"I feel pretty shitty" Chris responded to the doctor. "But I think I'll survive." 

The doctor nodded. "Explain why you feel this way. While you talk, I'm going to have Nurse Patrick doing a couple tests, ok?" 

"Ok. And I feel like I have a splitting headache and my stomach sort of hurts. I feel tired and that's really all. It's just those things combined make me feel disgusting."

The nurse checked all the things he needed to check as Chris spoke. 

"And you remember everything, yes?" Chris nodded. "Do you remember what happened?" 

James and Michael immediately panicked. 

Tell her it was some gas in the air, probably. James told Chris mentally. 

"I think it might have been some sort of gas in the air, I'm not really sure." Chris said, following James' orders. 

She nodded again and wrote something down on her clipboard. "We'll have someone look into that. We'll double check everything in a while. For the meantime, I want you to rest. By the longest, you'll be out in three days." 

Chris thanks the doctor and the nurse. They both leave. 

James lowers the two fingers he was holding up. Even in Michael's gentle grasp, he was swaying. 

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