6 - Funny Story...

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//Short chapter to make up for last chapter.\\

James' POV

Pain. Immediately I feel pain. Hangovers. 

But then I realize something else. Even with my eyes still closed, I could feel the room shaking. Slowly, I open my eyes. My face grows pink as I realize I'm spooning someone. 

What is someone else doing in my house??


This isn't my home. 

Technically it is, though. 

Right. I'm in my trailer. Or what looks like my trailer. And there's someone else in my trailer. And my trailer is shaking. 

At least we both have clothes on.

I hear a small whimper. 

Slowly, I pull my arms out from beneath whoever I'm spooning and sit up. It's a male. But I can't see his face. It looks like he's shaking in rhythm with my trailer. What-?

My face grows hot as I realize who it is. 


Gently, I shake his arm to try and wake him up. 

"Michael.." I say quietly. 

He stirs slightly. Michael turns so he's laying on his back. His eyes are barely open. And his forehead covered in sweat. 


"Huh-? What-?" Michael looks at me before quickly sitting up. "S-sorry" he stutters. 

"Why are yeh sweating?" I ask gently. 


He thought the answer and didn't seem to remember that I can hear his thoughts. Heh. I remember, though. 

"Want to talk about it?" I ask him. 

Michael shakes his head. "No." He replies. 

I nod a bit and look at the clock. 6:27 in the morning. Filming starts at eight. Looking back at Michael, I decide to change the subject. "What 'appened last night?" 

"How much do you remember?" Michael asks as a follow up question.


I recount what I remembered from the night before. "Just up until I finished my dinner." I said. 

Fassy nodded. "You had too many drinks and got drunk."

As usual. 


 Michael snickers. 

"Well, you stumbled your way over to me and I got a way to get you out of there-."

"Did I say anything?" I ask, interrupting him.  

"No." Michael responded. "I had to drop something off at my trailer before I took you back to your own. Y-you fell asleep and I carried you over to yours. I don't think anyone saw us. We got to your trailer and I put you on your bed. You woke up a bit and asked me to stay. So I-I did." He was stuttering slightly, his face turning a light pink. 

"Sorry if I made you feel like you had to stay." 

Michael shook his head. "Don't apologize and you didn't make me feel like I had to." 

Michael's POV

I decide to leave out a couple parts. It's not exactly lying!

I left out the part that he came over to me, basically crying, and saying that he wondered why I didn't love him. 

Next, I left out the part that I said "I love you" when he really fell asleep. 

I had lots of time to think about this one sentence before I truly fell asleep. My brain wasn't working as well as normal but it was still ticking. Slowly, I had came to the conclusion that I really did love James. I just have to hide it from him. 

And last night, when he asked me why I didn't love him? 

A reflection of my feelings for him. 

Maybe, my sleepy brain thought, when he was drunk, whoever's thoughts he focused on would leak through. 

But that's just a theory....

A gay theory. 

Why am I like this? 

"And your thoughts just went super quiet" James notes. 

I chuckle.


3rd POV

"Hey, Alexa" James calls out to his weird version of Jarvis. 

"Yes?" The computer within the mini sphere responds with a ping. 

"What's the weather going to be like today?" 

"The weather is cloudy with a 90% chance of rain at ten o'clock a.m. through the rest of the day. The rain will clear up later tonight and we will get a clear sky at eleven p.m." 

James pouts slightly. "That's a sucky day right 'ere." He says. 

Michael smiles at his pout. "Probably going to put half the crew in a shitty mood." Fassy adds. 

McAvoy nods and Michael returns the nod. 

A thought comes to James, who perks up at the idea. Michael notices. 

"I'm still not the telepath. What came to the exotic brain of yours?" He teases a bit. 

With a smirk at Michael, James asked Alexa another question. "Alexa, What will be the weather tonight?" 

"Tonight will be clear skies with a 70% of a meteor shower"

James smiles widely. "What if." He starts. "We have anyone and everyone who wants to come, find a field and watch the meteor shower tonight?" 

"I... I like that idea, James." Michael says, copying the Scottish actor's smile.

McAvoy nods. "Then, that's what we'll hopefully do later tonight. But right now" he looks over at the clock "We should get ready for the second day of filming."

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