Before any of us could make the first move the referee forced us back into our respective corners, roman cracked his knuckles as I bounced on my heels waiting for the match to start. "Who's going first?" Dean asked turning to me and roman, "Seth you wanna go first after everything?" Rome asked and I instantly nodded.

Dean and roman climbed on to the apron of our corner as Erick rowan stepped into the ring whilst bray and Luke stood on the outside smirking at me.

•start of match•

When the match began me and rowan immediately began exchanging blows, no matter how many he threw at me I threw just as many punches back refusing to back down. He suddenly used his height advantage to toss me into the corner across from my own and frog splashed ontop of me, I groaned in pain clutching my midsection as he pushed my head in a taunt.

I tried to gain the advantage by kicking him in the stomach but he quickly caught my foot and swept my other from underneath me causing my to crash to the mat. Immediately i attempted to jump back up only to be met with a super kick to the face sending me back to the floor.

The crowd booed as I lay flat on my back a hand over my face as I tasted blood in my mouth, I could I hear roman and dean shouting for me to make the tag but I couldn't drag my body up. "Seth they've tagged in bray!!" I heard roman exclaimed and I surprisingly I was able to crouch against the ropes only to jump back when I saw bray across the ring doing a back bridge.

I cringed at the sight but slowly made my way back to my feet, I put my fists up ready for the brutal fight I was about to have with bray. He smirked at me once he was standing again and his guard was dropped, noticing this I took the opportunity to throw my entire body at him making him stumble back. I began to deliver both kicks and punches to bray as he also punched back.

This was payback for everything

The match had gone backs and  forth between us when I was finally able to tag in dean and roll out of the ring clutching my neck which I had hit sharply off of the turnbuckle. "Seth!" I heard someone shout, I felt a hand in my back and I was crouching in the floor "are you ok?" The voice asked again and knew it was mercy.

She moved her hand to my neck and I winced "I'm ok" I nodded ignoring the radiating pain coming from my neck "are you sure?" She asked again and I nodded looking up at her. But my eyes quickly widened when I saw Luke Harper about to jump ontop of us from the top rope "Sasha move!!" I screamed grabbing her body, pulling her to my chest and rolling us out of the way of Luke who jumped and landed through a table I had set up earlier.

Mercy was breathing heavily as I sat us both up and held her face in my hands "are you ok?" I asked concerned and she nodded trying to catch her breath. "Sasha are you ok?" Dean shouted as he rushed over to us, they both exchanged serious glances before merc nodded and dean let out a curse word. "What?" I asked confused by their interaction "not now finish the match" Mercedes ordered slowly getting up off the floor and pushing me and dean towards the ring where roman was currently fighting rowan.

Me and dean rolled into the ring just as bray and harper also trudged into the ring, they stood across from us as we glared at them a sinister look in our eyes.

All six of us began fighting again, I tumbled outside the ring with bray throwing him into the announce table as dean and roman quickly took care of harper and rowan in the ring. "Guys out here!" I shouted motioning then over to me. Soon dean and roman joined my side as we stared down at bray wyatt who lay next to the announce desk, his eyes closed as he breathed heavily. None of us had to say anything but we all knew what was going to happen next.

Dean immediately started clearing the announce desk as me I began to haul brays inert body off the floor. I threw one of his arms over my shoulders as dean did the same, roman nodded and we quickly lifted him onto romans shoulders. "Ready 3......2......1" on one we triple power bombed bray through the announce desk and the fans immediately began cheering.

I beated my fist against my chest as dena quickly covered bray and the ref counted to three signalling our victory. The arena was instantly filled with chants and cheers as our music boomed around us, I raised my fist in the air as dean moved to hug me and roman. "Where's merc?" I shouted searching around only to feel a tap on my back, I spun around to see my beautiful girlfriend standing brush me with a mic in her hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the shield music cut off and the arena grew silent, "hang on all three of you in the ring" she ordered. I looked over at dean and roman who shrugged but still walked into the ring with me and merc following in tow "what's going on?" I questioned her as he grabbed my hand pulling me to the center of the ring.

"Well first off that was a tough match and you need a shower" she teased, I rolled my eyes and shook my head smiling at her "but seriously there's something I need to tell you and when I sat's coming from me not Sasha banks.........but Mercedes" she started taking a deep breath. I was confused but still listened to her intently "I've kinda been keeping from you for a few days now................and I told dean two days ago because I couldn't figure out how I wanted to tell you this".

I instantly looked over at dean who gave me a thumbs up and smiled, whilst roman looked just as confused as me "what's going on?" I asked again and she smirked.

"So Colby..........not Seth ......Colby......................

Your going to be a dad!".

My face immediately dropped as the fans exploded with cheers "Your pregnant" I said a smile beginning to spread across my face. She nodded dropping the mic and clasping a hand I've the enough as tears streamed down her face, I was at complete loss at words so I instead pulled mercy to my chest and hugged her tightly.

"Are you happy?" She asked into my chest as the fans deafened us, I nodded instantly "of course I am I'm going to be a dad" I cheered spinning her around making her squeal. I quickly put her down due to the baby but as soon as I put her down I placed my hands over her stomach, tears welling up in my eyes. "I love you both so much" I smiled looking up at her tears slightly clouding my vision.

"I love you too!"

That's a wrap!! Thank you to everyone who has read this book and had continued to from the very start!! My biggest wish for these books is that somebody enjoys them and gets a little happiness from reading!!

Thank you to everyone who's voted, commented and gave support to this book I really appreciate it!!

But this isn't my last book a new one will be out very soon!!

It's called inseparable so make sure to keep an eye out for that!!

Once again thank you to everyone!! Please vote and comment!!

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Untold Romance ~ Sesha Ballins Where stories live. Discover now