You like her !!

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Seth's pov

After the We left the arena we had to make our way to the next town which was Orlando for smackdown. I was driving with dean in shotgun and roman and Sasha in the back. "I'm so bored" dean whined and I rolled my eyes fixing my glasses on my nose "dude we've still got two hours left" I told him and he slammed his fist on the dashboard.

"Well we can play music or a game to pass the time" Sasha suggested leaning into the space between mine and deans chairs "Well dean and roman both have crap music tastes so game it is" I instantly said and roman smacked the back of my head. "Excuse me mr Rollins who loves rock and metal music more than food" roman sneered and I chuckled "that's impossible you can't love anything more than food" Sasha gasped and we all chuckled.

"Ok what game then?" Roman asked and I shrugged "how about smash or pass" dean suggested and Sasha rolled her eyes "fine". "Ok roman smash or pass aJ Lee" dean asked as I turned into a motorway "pass she's too little and crazy" he said shuddering and Sasha slapped his arm lightly "Hey there's nothing wrong with small people" she giggled and a smile made its way onto my face.

"Seth smash or pass Nikki Bella" roman asked and I fake gagged "definitely pass to bitchy" I laughed and dean nodded "you know Sash nikki's had a thing for Sethie boy here for awhile" dean spoke up and shot him a earth glare. "Oh really" she mumbled under her breath looking away and I furrowed my eyebrows 'why would she care?'

"Sasha smash or pass ummmmmmmm.......... Finn balor?" Roman asked and she smiled "smash we got on really well in nxt and I like his accent" she blushed and I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. I readjusted the way I sat in my seat and let my free hand clench into a fist so hard my knuckles where turning white. "Dean smash or pass Becky?" I asked and he rolled his eyes 'dean has a thing for red heads'.

"Smash cause I like red headed people but there's that new interviewer backstage, she's pretty hot" he smirked and I furrowed my eyebrows "who?" Roman asked suddenly engaged in the conversation. "I can't remover her name but she has short blonde hair and she's Canadian" he shrugged "Renee young!" Sasha exclaimed and dean nodded "yeah her" "she's nice I talked to her earlier" Sasha said as we continued the drive.

"Are we nearly there yet" "fucks sake dean!!"


"Well guys I feel like having a drink" roman admitted as we settled into the hotel room "I could have a couple of drinks aswell" I replied and dean nodded. "Sash you coming?" I asked and she nodded rushing into the bathroom "yeah but I get shower and bathroom first" she shouted taking some change of clothes in with her.

As soon as she locked the door roman grabbed me by the arm and pulled me next to him and dean "bro what the hell" I exclaimed and he smirked "you like Sasha don't you?" Dean asked and I rolled my eyes huffing. "For the last time no!" I whispered so she causing hear us "you so do..........when she called balor cute and that she'd smash him you clenched your fist so much your knuckles where going white and you scowled" dean chuckled and I dropped my head.

"Why can't you admit it?" Roman asked with sincerity laced in his voice "because I don't do relationships you guys know that........ after my last one............I don't want to hurt another girl" I mumbled collapsing on a nearby chair. I looked at the floor letting my thoughts swirl around in my head "Bro if you like her..... tell her heifer she gets taken by some other guy like balor and you work he able to get her back" dean said holding my shoulder tightly and looking into my eyes.

"I'll think about it" I sighed and they nodded "ok bro". We al began to get changed as Sasha will still in the bathroom, I decided to have a shower when we came back to the room. I changed into some skinny black jeans and band t-shirt I had in my suitcase. "Sash you nearly done" roman asked knocking on the door and she replied with a muffled yes.

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