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Seth's pov

I was peacefully sleeping with my arms tightly wrapped around Sasha when a sudden shout and scream instantly awoke me. Immediately I shot up in bed my heart thumping in my chest, "Col what's going on" mercy asked sleepily and I shook my head. "I dunno stay here love" I whispered kissing the crook of her neck lovingly before pulling on some boxers and sweatpants.

Groggily I made my way out of mine and mercy's room and into the conjoined living area that linked with roman and dean rooms to see both roman and dean sat on the edge of the couch. They both had Xbox controllers in their hands as mortal combat was displayed on the huge tv which was placed on a cream stand behind the coffee table. "What the hell is going on?" I yawned falling into the seat next to dean who smirked at me.

"What?" I asked seeing the smug looks on both of my brothers faces "was last night busy?" Dean said smugly and instantly I blushed but tried hiding it. "Nah not much me and sash just went to bed after last nights live event" I mumbled trying to hide the embarrassments my face. "Hmmmmmm I'm sure cause I swear I heard something last night how about you ro?". Roman smirked whilst nodding "yeah so did i it was something like.......................fuck Sasha your so.." "ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" I shouted cutting off Romans impersonation of me.

The two idiots erupted into laughter as I shook my head standing up and walking into the kitchen part of the living area to make a coffee. "So what's everyone doing today?" I asked trying to change the topic as their laughter died down "well I'm going on a date with Charlotte later but I have no idea what to wear or were to take her" roman sighed.

Suddenly a thump echoed throughout the joined hotel rooms from mine and Mercy's room which made all three of us jump. Abruptly mercy sprinted out of the hotel room and into the living area standing infront of the tv screen and roman and dean. "Charlotte likes fancy restaurants and surprises so take her to the expensive restaurant downtown, wear one of best suits and surprise her with a nice necklace or bracelet".

All three of us stared at mercy, amazed by her sudden appearance and information overload. "Wow.............thanks banks" roman chuckled astonishment evident in his voice, "your welcome, god I'm so out of breath" she laughed taking deep breaths as she walked over to me. Roman and dean turned back to their game on the tv whilst I turned my attention to my girl.

"Morning love" I cooed leaning up against the work surface watching her begin to make breakfast "morning colbs" she replied pecking my lips and leaning against me. "So we haven't got anything to do today so how about we have a lazy day, watch movies and stuff" I suggested twirling her hair around my finger, she released a sigh of relief and nodded. "Perfect I need a rest" I chuckled kissing her temple.

Later that day

It was 7 o'clock on the night, me and Mercy had done as we said and lounged around the hotel room all day. We ordered some room service and whilst dean and roman where out to get Charlotte some jewellery for their date we had some us time if you know what I mean.

But now roman was getting ready to pick up Charlotte however he was beginning to worry and panic "what if it goes wrong and she doesn't want to talk to me again" he vented lacing the living area as me, mercy and dean all sat together on the couch watching him. "Dude I doubt it she couldn't take her eyes off you at the club the other night" I exclaimed but he shook his head.

"But she's way out of my league what if she realises it and leaves me" he panicked causing me to sigh "roman look I know char like the back of my hand, she's bestfriend and I've seen her go through three relationships and I can tell you...........she's never looked at a guy how she looks at you.......she loves you" merc smiled. Roman instantly stopped pacing and took a deep breath "your right I'm gonna go pick her up see you guys" and just like that he quickly slipped out of the room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Dean asked flicking through the movie channels on the tv, merc instantly nodded and snatched the remote off dean giggling. I chuckled watching the two interact which warmed my heart. Mercy eventually decided on Jurassic world with Chris Pratt. Dean sat on the edge of the couch a popcorn bucket in his hands as he stuffed more in his mouth whilst Mercy was wrapped up in my arms , her head snuggled into my chest.

And in that moment I'd never felt more content.

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