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Final chapter hope you enjoy!!

Seth's pov

It was about two hours before our wrestlemania match and the nerves where beginning to get to me. Roman and dean where relatively calm compared to me whereas Sasha seemed deep in thought for the whole day which confused me but I guessed it was because she was anxious to.

We where all sat in our locker room when dean suddenly stood up and started pacing the room, "dude what's wrong?" Roman asked as we all turned out attention towards him. Dean shook his head and kept on pacing causing me to narrow my eyes, I also stood up and walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder "bro what's wrong?" I asked concern lacing my voice.

"All of this......waiting! I need to get my hands on the wyatts before I lose my mind!" He exclaimed clearly frustrated with the whole wyatt family situation. "Calm dome Dean........we'll get our hands on them in an hour and a half" roman added standing next to me and patting deans back who nodded. His fists where still clenched and his body was tense, that was until Mercy stood up from the couch across the room and moved to hug dean.

Roman and dean where like big brothers to merc and I loved their relationship cause it comforted me that if I wasn't there for her they would be and I knew I could trust them to look after her. Dean chuckled and hugged her back so much that you couldn't see half of her body due to her small height.

Sashas pov

"Have you told him yet" dean whispered extremely quietly in my ear, "no" I whispered back before we pulled away to face roman and Colby who both had smiles on their faces. "So sash your standing at ringside?" Roman asked and immediately mine and deans eyes widened.

"What?" Colby asked obviously noticing our actions "nothing.....yeah of course I am" I said trying my best to sound convincing. Colby nodded pressing a kiss to my forehead before walking into the bathroom to get changed into his gear and whilst romans back was turned me and dean exchanged nervous glances.

"You sure about this?" He asked seriously, I bit my lip nervously "I don't have a choice Dean I just have to be careful" I whispered back and he nodded as Colby came back out dressed in his classic black cargo trousers and Nike vest. Immediately I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist holding him tightly as fear filled my body.

Before match

Seth's pov

The four of us stood at the top of the staircase as we waited for the wyatts to finish their entrance "I love you Babygirl" I cooed pulling Sasha to my chest. For some reason I had a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and needed to hold her close "I love you too" she replied pecking my cheek and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"GROUP HUG!!" We suddenly heard dean shout when he hugged both me and mercy and soon roman joined so we were stuck in the middle with my two brothers hugging us. "I cant breathe" I gasped clutching onto mercy's hand tightly, for some reason I was being squeezed to death by dean but he wasn't really squeezing merc which annoyed me. Why was I always the target.

"Good luck guys" mercy said tapping each of our chests. Our theme suddenly began to boom throughout the arena as we pulled away from the hug, a deep breath released from my lungs as we all got into our positions to walk down through the crowd, roman and dean went first with me and Mercedes following but i had one arm wrapped around her waist holding her close.

Dean helped her over the barricade once we got there and she instantly went to the farside of the ring away from the wyatts and leaned against the ring. Me and my brothers made our way into the ring and stood in a line together shoulder to shoulder as we stared off against the wyatts. I stood facing bray and the only thing that I could think about is what he did to mercy the last time we stood in the same ring and it made anger fill my body.

Untold Romance ~ Sesha Ballins Where stories live. Discover now