Finding him

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Continued from the previous chapter

Sashas pov

My eyes scanned the sea of bustling drunken people as I pulled up outside the bar which was the closer to the arena. I sighed slinging my purse over my shoulder "please be ok" I mumbled to myself before climbing out fo the car and locking it before making way into the bar.

As soon as I was inside the music boomed all around me and I winced as my head began to throb again, stupid hangover. I ignored my own pain as I began to search for Seth "where are you?" I mumbled before pushing past the groups of people and onto the dance floor in search for him.

My worry began to grow as I struggled to find him "Seth!" I called out when  I saw a guy with long brown hair but my face fell into a frown when I realised it wasn't him. I sighed putting my hands on my hips once I'd got off the dance floor and but my lip "Hi there pretty thing" I heard a guy say behind me and I huffed Turing around.

"What?" I asked as I noticed his lazed eyes and slumped figure 'obviously drunk' , "What is a beautiful girl like you alone?" "Looking for my boyfriend" I replied trying to send him the message to leave me alone. He put his hands up nodding before stumbling away making me release a sigh of relief. Suddenly my breath caught in my throat and my eyes widened as I saw a familiar figure sitting at the bar.

"Seth!" I cried running towards him, his forearms rested against the sticky bar as his finger traced the rim of the glass informer of him. His eyes where filled with sadness making tears come to my eyes "Seth" I said softly sitting on the stool next to him after pulling it closer or him. "How much has he had?" I asked the bartender when he hadn't answered me "three shots and four beers" he said before  walking away.

I sighed looking at him as he stayed in the same position "why?" I questioned, he slowly turned his head to me and his eyes swelled up with hidden tears but he mangled to keep them at bay, he shrugged downing the rest of his drink and I gasped snatching the empty glass away from him. "Another" he said to the bartender who passed him another drink.

"Seth stop" I begged as he took a sip of the golden liquid "why should I nobody cares what happens to me" he said simply and I dropped my head shaking it "I do Seth, so does dean and roman .........please stop this isn't good for you" I said wrapping my fingers around his wrist which held the alcohol. His eyes fell down to my hand on his wrist and I blushed slightly "Sash go back to the hotel don't worry about me" he sighed shrugging my hand of his wrist.

"Please don't do this" I pleaded, I turned his face towards me and hugged him tightly "I know it's hard to forget a past relationship when people won't let you forget it, but it wasn't your fault things happen but you can't let it ruin you" I said in his ear. My voice quivered as I spoke and I felt him sigh against me.

I tightened my arms around him when I felt his arms snake around my waist "come back with me please" I begged and I felt him nod against my shoulder. I smiled pulling away, he pushed the drink away as I lead him up from the bar, he stumbled slightly so I threw his arm around my shoulder and helped him out if the bar and into the freezing cold night air. "Thank you Babygirl" he slurred and I nodded.

I helped him into the car before jumping in myself and starting the engine, I looked over at him, his head rested against the window as he looked out with pain written in his features. I drove us back to the hotel and dragged him inside "Seth!" Dean exclaimed as we made our way into the room, dean and roman looked shocked and sad at her same time.

Seth winced leaning his head against mine and I smiled, I looked over at dean and roman who smirked at me making me roll my eyes and chuckle. I dragged him into the bedroom and pushed him into the bed, I pulled his shoes and shirt off.

But just as I was about to leave I felt arms wrap around me and I was pulled against his chest, I hummed snuggling my head into his chest before falling asleep.

Another  chapter up!! And sorry this would've been up earlier but stupid Wattpad decided to delete the entire chapter!!

So Sasha managed to get Seth out of the bar!! But will he take her advice and move on or will he be stuck in the past!!

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Untold Romance ~ Sesha Ballins حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن