The start of the road

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Two weeks later

Seth's pov

So it's been two weeks since I left the hospital after that dreaded day where I was told I wouldn't make it and me and Sasha have flown back to Iowa. Currently I'm in the house practicing on my crutches, I was given them along with a wheelchair but if I'm going to get better I'm not using that damn thing.

I cursed as I bumped into one of the desk in the living room making a boot of pain shoot throughout my body. I bit my lip before taking a deep breath and slowly making my way further into the room and towards the couch where I saw my love fast asleep on the couch. I sighed noticing the dark bags underneath her eyes and the tired look on her sleeping face.

I caused that, her constant worrying and sleepless nights was caused by me and I couldn't help but feel broken that I had caused her so much stress. She shifted uncomfortably on the couch making me frown, I carefully sat down on the free space near her head and placed my crutches on the floor. As I stared down at her face I was mesmerised by her beauty and smiled watching her lean into my hand that gently caressed her cheek.

Gently trying not to wake her I lifted her further up the couch so her head rested in my lap where I kissed her temple letting my lips linger for a second before pulling away. As I held her hand stroking the back of it I stared out of the window watching the sky soon turn grey and little droplets of water hit the huge glass window I had.

Whilst I watched I began to dream about my recovery, I thought about being able to walk without crutches and be able to pick Sasha up in my arms again and carry her to bed which I wished I could've done earlier. I smiled thinking about hugging my brothers again and standing in the ring with the three most important people in my life whilst fighting against the odds together and beat the wyatts.

Those very thoughts fuelled my determination and power. There was no way I was going to beaten my this illnesses and let it take my family away from me.

Because this was just the start of the road.

Another chapter up!! Sorry for it being short but I need to finish this part of the story to move into the next part of the story!! Please vote and comment!!

433 words

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