Were together forever

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Thank you to LJthePanda75 for the help on this chapter!! Really appreciate the help !!

Seth's pov

I smiled brightly as all four of us sat on the couch together watching one of our favourite movies. Avengers end game.

Dean sat on the edge as roman sat next to me and Sasha lay slightly against me but not too much which I appreciated. It was moments like this that I forgot all about the constant pain in my body and was able to smile and act slightly normal if possible and it was the first time in a while that I saw a real bright smile spread across my girls face which made me feel 100 times better.

And my brothers next to me made me feel so much more confident and they're support made me push on. "You ok bro?" Dean asked once the film had finished and I was grabbing my walking sticks hauling myself up from the couch where a sleeping sasha rested unaware of the sudden movement. I released a deep breath feeling a sudden dizziness hit me. "I don't......feel good" I stammered gripping the metal sticks tightly trying to balance myself.

Immediately dean and roman jumped from their seats and where by my side in a split second grabbing my arms to steady me. "What's wrong exactly?" Roman asked softly as I took some deep breaths "dizzy" I quickly said as I felt my knees suddenly go weak and slowly began to fall to the ground.

"Colby!!" Dean shouted as he and roman grabbed onto me trying to gently place me on the floor "We gotcha man careful!" Roman exclaimed frantically and the sudden shouting instantly woke Sasha who shot up from the couch and scurried to the heap where roman and dean held me closely steadying me. "What's going on?" She cried taking my hand and kneeling infront of me "he just suddenly got dizzy and collapsed in mine and Rome's arms"dean replied as I closed my eyes steadying my breaths.

"Colby......are you....ok" Sasha asked her voice quivering with tears, I slowly looked up to see her face red and tears streaming out of her eyes. I nodded gently squeezing her hand tightly making her gasp and my brothers smile "I'm fine promise" I smiled bringing her hand to rest against my chest and kissed it whilst sighing.

Suddenly Sasha wrapped her arms around my neck  and rested her head in the crook of my neck as we both where wrapped in a group hug by dean and roman. Sasha cried quietly into my shoulder making me chuckle "I love you guys" dean mumbled tears rolling down his cheeks and roman nodded "yeah I love you guys too and Seth man I'm so proud of you please don't give up".

I nodded holding Sasha tighter and stroking her hair back "I love you guys too and I won't cause we're together forever no matter what".

Another chapter up!! Once again thank you to LJthePanda75 for your amazing idea!! Please vote and comment!!

513 words

Untold Romance ~ Sesha Ballins Where stories live. Discover now