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trigger warning:
same as the last chapters, sorry.
It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Crying isn't like you, ooh
What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through..
I was awaken by yelps, and small screams. Little did I know it was Emma making all this noise. I turned to her and tried waking her up. I assumed she was having a bad dream, I needed to wake her up.

"Emma, wake up" I said, over and over, until she had finally woken up.

"I-I'm sorry" she apologized.

I took her into a hug. "No need to be sorry, I'm here for you, I told you this"
Up all night on another red eye
I wish we never learned to fly
Maybe we should just try
To tell ourselves a good lie
I didn't mean to make you cry
The nightmares Emma had gone through, had gotten worse as nights went on. She hasn't spoken to Ava in days, and Killian tries to get her to come home, but I'm not allowing it. The same things will just repeat.

I watched the sunrise, as the blonde has slept. After she wakes up, and falls back asleep she always seems to be alright. I got up, and decided to go and make some breakfast for her. Pancakes.

After about twenty minutes, I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Good morning, Gina" She greeted me. She hasn't called me Gina in so long, it's nice to hear it again.

"Good morning Em" I smiled. "I made you some food"

The brightest smiled appeared on her face. "Thank you, I love you" she also hasn't said that in awhile either.

"I just have to go grab something, I'll be back" she said running back up the stairs.

I hope it wasn't more of those pills, I think she's been abusing them lately, and I don't want anything to happen to her. I care about her.

"Hey, have you seen my pain medicine?" I heard her yell from upstairs.

"No" I replied back up the stairs.

She couldn't be out already..

She came running back down. "I think I'm out of them, I'll have to go get some more today" she sat next to me at the table, and grabbed a pancake.

"Em, the pain will heal on its own" I said looking at her.

"I need them though, they help" she grabbed my hand. "I'll go on a run in a bit and come right back"

I nodded my head. I hope she'd be okay.
I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way, mm
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay
Emma's POV:
I knew Regina was getting worried about how much pills I've been taking, but they're for the pain, they always have been, and they always will be. I'm still in pain so I need them.

Once I had finished breakfast I kissed Regina, and headed out to get a restock.

It didn't take very long, I was actually in and out of the store. And I couldn't wait to get back and be with Regina.

I had texted her 'On my way back!❤️'. I really did love this woman, she made me happy in ways I could never imagine, but I had to treat Killian well too, because the kid we happen to share is in his care.

I decided to stop by my house on the way back to Regina's house. His car wasn't outside meaning I could go in and get some things in peace.

I pulled into the driveway, and quickly made my way into the house.

I had opened the door, and I was met with Ava.

"Hi babygirl" I smiled pulling her into a hug. "How have things been?" I asked.

"Good, I miss you" she sighed.

"I miss you too, but we'll be back together soon" I pushed the hair out of her face.

I had heard a door shut, something like a car door. I had looked out the window, and saw it was Killian, usually he would stay at work longer, but I guess since I'm no longer here to watch Ava when she's done with school he has to do it.

"I have to go" I kissed Ava on her forehead, and made my way towards the back door so Killian wouldn't meet eyes with me.
Killian's POV
I pulled into the driveway, and noticed Emma's car here. I wasn't happy knowing she was inside with my daughter. I quickly hopped out the car, and went into the house to only see Ava.

"Was your mother here?" I asked.

She nodded. She got the lying traits from Emma.

I rolled my eyes, and picked up my phone to call Emma. No answer. I then called Regina. No answer. I decided to just text Emma instead.

Keep yourself away from my daughter.
You're not welcomed here.
Stay away.

I was hoping those messages would keep her away from this place. She didn't choose me, so I can't choose her.
Emma's POV
I glanced at the messages Killian had sent me, and I rolled my eyes. There was nothing I could do. I walked into Regina's house, and was confused on where she was.

"Regina!" I yelled.

"Up here!" She yelled back.

I ran up the stairs to see her laying on the bed. I got closer to the bed, and decided to lay with her. I didn't speak for awhile, there was many thoughts going on my head. Mainly about what Killian told me. I'm not sure why it was repeating in my head. I didn't want it to do that.

"Em" I heard her say.

I still didn't answer, his voice was taking over my mind, and making me hate myself even more.

"Emma" she said once more.

"Do you think you'd be fine without me?" I questioned, sitting up.

"No" she started. "Why would you ever think that?" She asked.

"No reason, just wanted to know" I sighed laying back down. "I love you"

"I love you too, Emma" she kissed me.

I hope I was actually enough for her, and that she wasn't lying.

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