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It's been days since I've even spoken, or seen Regina. Killian's gotten so much now mean. It's seems as if he's grown jealousy over someone who isn't even mine.

"Good morning luv" I heard a voice say.

"Morning" I put on a smile, and pecked him on the cheek.

"Are you going to take Ava to school?" He questioned.

I immediately nodded, as it could give me a reason to run into Regina since she works at Ava's school.

I called Ava down, and before I knew it we were out of the house and in the car.

"Are you and daddy arguing?" I heard Ava question.

"No" I lied. "No, we're not"

She smiled, and went back to looking at her iPad.

I had arrived at her school, and quickly dropped her off so I was able to search for Regina.

I needed to talk to her.

I looked through parking lots, and even the front and back of the building. She was nowhere to be found.

I started driving away from the school in no hopes of finding her.

I pulled into my driveway and pulled out my phone. I went into Regina's messages. The last time we texted was three weeks ago.

E: Hey can we talk?

I sent the message and took a deep breath. I was nervous. I got out the car and seconds later my phone had went off.

R: 6:00. Granny's.

I read the message, and I know there was a smile appearing on my face. No matter how short, and bland the message she sent was, they somehow always brought a smile to my face.

I walked inside, and kept thinking about how I was going to tell Regina that she made me happy, and that I do want her, I know I want her. I just need to know how to say it.


Regina's POV

After responding to Emma, I could feel my heart getting happier. I'm not sure why though, she's married, and we haven't talked in weeks. But she made me happy, she somehow always makes me happy.

As going through the day of teaching all I could think of is what Emma was going to talk about later, but either way I was happy to be seeing her, finally.


I walked into Granny's, and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.

"Hey Regina! Over here!" I heard a voice say.

I walked over to the booth where Emma had been sitting, and I sat down.

"Hey" I smiled. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"I know what I want"

My eyes had widened. "And what do you want?"

"I want you"

Those words made me shocked, yet so happy at the same time. She did this to me.

"You're married" I responded.

"I-I know, but I'm working on that" she sighed. "I'm not happy anyways, things are bad right now, and have been for awhile" she looked away.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.


There's that fake smile along with that lie. I guess when you're falling for someone you're good at detecting things like this.

"What about Ava?"

"I'll figure it out" she looked up at me.

She's beautiful.

"I'm going to talk to him tonight about filing a divorce, but I'm not sure how well that'll go"

I couldn't believe she was actually following through with this.

"All for me?"

"I'm choosing you" she gave me a big smile. "I love you"

Those three words, have such a big meaning, and she used them on me.

I was frozen, I wasn't sure what to say, or what to do.

"You don't have to say it back" she touched my hand. "I just wanted to let you know"

I love you too, was all that could run through my mind, but not out of my mouth.

The jealousy that was once sitting on my shoulders is gone, she chose me, out of all people me.

"I should get going" she started standing up.

All I could do was nod, and agree with her. "Let me know how it goes" I said. "If you want"

"I will" she smiled as she was leaving the diner.

I hope it was going to go well, because I know how he gets when he gets mad.


Emma's POV:
I was nervous to go and have this conversation with Killian, because he's never been fond of Regina ever since he found out she had a thing for women, and I was one of them. I wasn't ready to do this, but deep down I know it had to be done.

I got home, and walked inside to be met with Killian sitting at the kitchen island.

"Hey we have to talk" I sighed.

"Yes luv?"

"We need a divorce" I quickly said.

I could see a major change in his emotional expression, it seemed to go from somewhat happy to angry in a matter of seconds. And him being angry was never good.

"Killian?" I questioned. "I think it's for the best"

He then had looked away from me, and then looked back.

"You never know what's best!" He yelled. "You only think about yourself no one else!" He started getting louder and louder.

"Keep it down please" I said, so Ava wouldn't overhear us.

"No! I'm tired of you thinking that you can just get with people and get rid of them! We have a kid together"

"I-I know, and I'm sorry"

"Is it that Regina woman? Is it her?" He got closer during his questioning. I didn't say a word, because it was her. "I knew it!" He went back to yelling. "Get out! Now!"

I grabbed my keys and headed out of the house. The only place I could go is Regina's. I headed towards her house and started to tear up. I just ruined my family, was it worth it?

I pulled up to Regina's house, got out my car, and went to go knock on the door.

The door swung open.

"Hey, can I stay here please?" I asked.

Regina nodded and took me into her arms, shutting the door behind her.

"Everything will be okay, I promise" she reassured me.

But, it won't be okay, I know it won't be okay.

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