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Ever wonder what it would be like to become a werewolf in outer space?

Science fiction is my favorite genre. Usually space operas with aliens and strong heroes. But I enjoy sci-fi stories with horror elements.

Aliens and Event Horizon are my favorite horror movies that take place in outer space. Doom, Dead Space, and Resident Evil are my other favorites in the video game genre. 

The only two sci-fi space horror novel I read is Damnation Robot: Galactic Demon Hunters by Aaron Crash, which inspired me to write Dark Wolf. The other is Nightflyers by George R. R. Martin, and it is good!

There aren't many paranormal space opera books I can find in the sci-fi market. I guess because most space operas are military science fiction books. Since there isn't enough, I wrote one with my other favorite book projects.

With horror in space, you can do a lot of unique stuff with it.  You can make zombies into cyborgs, ghosts into computer hackers, and magic blending with technology. So much potential! 

My original idea was to make the team all werewolves with John being the alpha. Werewolves are my favorite monsters, but I thought they would be too similar together. So I changed the girls into different monsters; a witch, zombie, and vampire hybrid. 

Why make John's team into a harem? Because haremlit books are hot sellers right now. Even if you hate them, there are lots of them. 

I like harem stories, including the reverse ones with good characters. Tenchi Muyo, one of the popular harem anime series, got me interested in the genre. 

If you enjoy harems and space opera with horror elements like Evil Dead, this book series will spice up your day. As for the content warning, the story will have sex scenes, strong language, and graphic violence. The sex scenes will be less graphic so they will not turn you off. The chapters will be first drafts with typos and grammar errors.  

Enjoy and welcome to the Space Paranormal Defense agency.

- Miles Trombley        

- Miles Trombley        

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