Book Three: Chapter 03

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With her grenade launcher, Lena leaped over the car hood and charged toward the target. The Dreadnought blasted his energy barrel guns at Tiara while she zig-zagged through the air, dodging his projectiles. She might not last long, but who knew how strong a full-fleshed demon could be. 

The zombie girl dashed toward the cyborg tank demon's back. She raised her launcher and fired one explosive ball.

The grenade touched the demon’s bareback and exploded, splattering some flesh off his spine. He screamed and turned around, glaring his single red eye at Lena. 

“Shoot his waist!” Tiara shouted.

Lena nodded and fired again. 


The Dreadnought’s upper body fell off his tank body and landed backward to the broken concrete. He threw his arms around, but he couldn’t hop up.

Tiara landed on the Dreadnought’s chest and stared at his face. “You have been a bad boy.”

With a giggle, she thrust her claws into the demon’s eyeball and yanked it out from his socket. As the Dreadnought screamed, Tiara tossed her fireball into his eye socket. His skull exploded with a bang. 

John could smell the demon’s burnt brain matter on the ground. The thing smelled like a pig dipped in gasoline. "Damn, girl! You popped his ass."

Tiara glanced at him. "You mean his head?"

John shrugged and looked around. No more demons showed up so far.

After Alexia and Kara joined them, they approached the mall entrance. Through the barrier doorway, two gun barrels struck out, aimed at John.

"Stay back, monsters!" A man's voice shouted behind the door. 

John held up his metal hands. "It's alright! We are friendly!"

"How can we be sure? You might be demons too!"

"Do we look like demons?" Kara asked.

"Your red armored girlfriend sure looks like a fucking demon!" The man shouted.

John glanced at Tiara. She only shrugged. 

Maybe they should leave the civilians alone, but they might have vital information on what was happening. If demons attack them again, they might not survive long.

John stepped toward the door. "Listen, we are from the Space Paranormal Defense agency. We are only here to help."

"The Space Paranormal Defense?" The man asked. "I thought they are a myth."

"He is telling the truth," said Alexia.

"Bullshit! Our world is being attacked by monsters! And you are one of them!"

"Come on, Hershey," said a woman's voice. "You saw them fought those things out there. Obviously, they are on our side."

The man's voice groaned. "You're right, but I'm keeping an eye on them."

After the barrels moved back, the man and woman opened the door. The man was black with a short beard and little cracks spread across his face. He wore a gray hood and carried an energy rifle. The woman wore the same outfit, except she has a cap on her head, over her blonde ponytail. Their eyes remained wide at John’s squad.

"I'm Hershey, and this is Lohan," the black middle-aged man explained. "Follow us, but don't try anything funny. I am watching you, freaks."

John and his squad followed the two armed civilians through the mall, approaching a stairway to an underground subway station. The cyborg werewolf got a feeling there were more people below the subterranean level.

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