Three Book: Chapter 06

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Alexia clenched in her seat. "We should jump off before we crash! I will cast a spell to secure our fall!"

John glanced up toward her and nodded. "Alright! Let's bailout now!"

The girls unclipped their harnesses as John got up. He grabbed onto the edge of the door while the aircraft still spun downward.

"What the hell are you doing?" The pilot shouted, yanking on the flight stick.

John gazed at him. "We're getting off! Good luck!"

He turned toward the door and jumped out. Through the air, he dived head first as a glowing purple sphere expanded around him, slowing down his fall.

He landed on his feet, and the sphere popped like a bubble. Behind him, the girls landed inside their purple bubbles. Alexia lowered her arms, and the shields vanished.

John heard an explosion and looked up. The troop carrier crashed into a building on the right side. Flames and smoke escaped from the crash.

Since John didn't see the pilot jump, he assumed the pilot didn't make it. He gave up his life to bring John's squad into the city. But they still have a few miles to reach Central Park.

"Look out!" Alexia projected her shield around John before a blast struck him.

Down the street, a Dreadnought rose from across the street toward the squad. However, he marched on four mechanical legs with two cannons on his shoulders. No horns, but he has three red eyes on his metal plate over his lipless mouth where his fangs snarled beneath his gums.

"Is that a Dreadnought?" Lena asked.

"A Skykiller Dreadnought," Tiara explained. "It focuses on shooting down enemy vessels in the sky."

"So that is how they are shooting fireballs at us," said Kara.

The Skykiller halted, glaring at John's squad. He lowered his cannons toward the agents.

"Take cover!" John dropped behind a car. Two fireballs flew over him and the girls.

Behind them, the balls hit a fire truck and exploded. None of the flames reached the squad.

"Does it have the same weak spot?" John shouted.

Tiara peeked over the car hood, glaring at the demon. "Yes, if you can sneak up upon him."

"Good. I need you to attract his attention while Lena blows his back."

Lena glanced toward him. "Same tactic?"

"The best tactic to kill that thing quickly."

The zombie girl shrugged. "Okay."

John turned toward Tiara. "Ready?"

Tiara nodded and jumped into the air from her cover. She hovered over the street as the Skykiller turned toward her attention.

Lena sprinted past the demonic machine while he blasted his cannons at Tiara, missing her. Lena jumped onto a car behind the demon and aimed her grenade launcher. "Sayonara, bitch!"

She shot one grenade toward the demon. It exploded, blowing half of its back off.

The Skykiller lowered his cannons and collapsed to the ground. John approached the demon's head and kicked his metal plate. The thing didn't move except his tongue struck out across the concrete.

"Good work, Lena," John smirked. "We better move before another Skykiller finds us."

All the girls nodded to him.

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