2. The Smirk

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So ik its different in schools but this school has 4 blocks/periods. Lunch is in 3rd block and yeeee.. school starts at 8:10am and ends at 3:30pm 

Kellin's pov

Jamie gags on the smells of cafeteria food. That means it's bad because jamie will eat almost anything. Everybody laughs and thay start talk about gag reflexes.

"I gag sometimes when I brush my tongue," justin says making me giggle.

"Oh come on, I bet you do too," he says and I blush. I shake my head no.

"I don't have a gag reflex," I say and everybody laughs not believing me at all. Trust me I've shoved my fingers down my throat enough times to lose the gag reflex. I guess throwing up daily has its averages...

Well if I was gay.

"I don't believe you," justin says and I blush more.

"I mean.. I can't prov-" I start but then justin is putting his fingers on my lip.

"Open," he says and I blush parting my lips. He slides his two fingers down my throat and I close my eyes because I accidentally made weird eye contact with him.

The guys cheer and justin pull his hand away and I blush harder. "Wow, I thought you were lying. You really dont have a gag reflex," justin says and everyone is going crazy because they didn't know I could do this..

"I knew you were gay," Jake laughs but I shakes his head smilingly shyly.

"Nope, I'm still straight." I chirp meaning it. I'm not gay, that would be wrong. Well don't get me wrong, I'm not homophobic. I have gay friends and stuff I just know if I was gay I'd get help from everyone and I dont find anyone attractive- that's a lie.

Theres a few movie star guys that I have crushes on but like, they are actors. I wouldn't date or kiss a one.

What about that hot guy- no.. no. Fuck, why am I thinking about this? The bell rings and we get up and we throw are trash away. I didn't have any but I still come to lunch because I talk to my friends.


Last block is my least favorite. I don't understand any of it and I can ask the teacher for help because he gives me the creeps. Mr. Small's.. the only thing small about him is his brain and his dick. I pout to myself and look at my work.

What the hell?

Math is literally the worst. I look up for inspiration and then down at my paper in desperation. Then my eyes go to the right: information.

The first answer is A.. I look at my paper and realize I have to work it out. I can do the first half but going through it I can't get A as my answer. I sigh and start drawing on my paper.

The bell rings and I grab my binder and notebook. Tomorrow I have to turn this. If I can't find someone to cheat off of them I'm going to get a very low grade..

"Kellin, stay for a moment," Smalls says and I cringe. I look to get help from matty but he's gone and I actually send a 'help's look at the quiet boy. I blush looking away so fast he must think I'm crazy.

He's the last to leave like always and the teacher looks me up and down making my skin craw. "Your grades are getting worse than before. I'm flattered your trying get me to notice you but I'm a teacher-"

"I have to go," I say bolting out the room. That fucking creep thinks I'm trying to get his attention!? I then go to lean on the wall but see its occupied by the quiet guy. He's got his hands in his pockets and his foot on the wall as he leans on the wall.

His gaze on me is sharp and I blush and get away from the door even though I had shut it. Did he wait for me? I don't mean to look at him like that..

"Um," I say and bite my lip. What do I say? He's not going to answer back so no questions.. "thank you?" I comes out more of a question. I'm not a hundred percent sure he actually waited for me. Oh my god did I just tell him thank you randomly and he has no idea what I'm talking about.

He gives me a smirk and then walks away leaving me confused and flustered. I've never seen him smile but that was the first expression I've seen him make that's not a hard look or sad look.

He's mysterious..

I start walking to my locker thinking about everything. I cringe at the thought of my teacher. Did he hear the teacher?

I find Mike and walk with him to the parking lot so we can find Vic. "You look rattled," he notes.

"Mr. Smalls like- he- I don't know.. he creeps me out," I mumble crossing my arms over my stomach and holding onto my hips.

"Hm.. I've never had him as a teacher," he says and I nod a little.

"I accidentally embarrassed myself too, you know how I send 'help's looks to my friends when people try to talk to me so they can get me out of it?" I say and he nods opening the school doors and we go out.

"Well I accidentally looked a Oliver like that and he ended out waiting for me in the hall, but I'm not a hundred percent but I said 'thank you' and he smirked and left. Like, hhhhh. People scare meee," I whine and he chuckles.

"I'm sure he was just trying to be nice. I doubt he was being creepy, people just assumed he's bad. I've never seen him do anything wrong before," Mike says.

"N-no, I didn't say he was bad. I'm just awkward, you know I don't judge people," I say and he smiles.

"I almost forgot how good you are," he says and I smile as we greet Vic and Tony and we get in Vic's car.

Vic lives pretty close to me so I ride with him. He drives me home and when he drops me off I wave bye and go into my house..

Wish me luck....

Woo, the second chapter... I'm actually really liking it so far.

Artemis is a Greek goddess that has 3 names and one of them is mine so that explains that. Trancy is the last name of a anime character I love/loved. And FGW was something me and my sister made up. Like "fgw 3 o'clock" and there would be a fan girl worthy person... but that's silly ig

Kittrell is my middle name and ix on the end of things makes it sound cool soooooo kittrellix ^-^

I hate my name but if you want a real name name for me I go by Dale. The Nascar driver Dale Earnhardt died in the hospital I was born at a few months before I was born so I could be the legend's reincarnated self and I would never know

- Kittrellix

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