Special chapter ???

Start from the beginning

"look Shoto" Yuki called

I turn and I saw Yuki is wearing a cat head band while holding a cat

"Meow~" Yuki meowed

'so cute' I thought


"Shoto... Shoto?"

I felt my heart is beating so fast right now.

After that we head out, then Yuki grab my hand as we head to the park. Then I can see there's a carnival set up.

Suddenly grab my hand "Let's go, Shoto!" then she starts pulling me.

"slow down, Yuki" I said

Then Yuki bought tickets for the both of us.

She seems excited me being with her, after all she's always busy since she's hero who works in public. And she's sometimes sad every time she hardly got any time for us to be together.

We enjoy ourselves, playing different stalls, petting different animals, and we even tried the carnival rides.

Carousel that we went around spinning, and I can see Yuki is enjoying it. It's like memory of our childhood selves every time I can see she's this happy.

Ferris wheel we watched the whole city while we rise up and while holding her hand.

As long Yuki is smiling I can't seem to let her go.

She always smiles, the smile of the hero who I love and protect.

She might be strong, but she always worried about us.

When the ferris wheel lower us down, suddenly Yuki's communicator ringed.

"hello" Yuki picked it up



"got it, I'll be there" then Yuki ended her sentence as she sighed

"sorry, Shoto. Looks like our date got ruined" Yuki apologized

"what's wrong?" I ask

"well, Tsukauchi called said there's another mission again" Yuki said "but before that let's have lunch!" she suddenly bring up the mood.

Minutes later we went on a ramen shop then Yuki ordered high class soba for today.

"here Shoto, soba your favorite" Yuki said excitely

Then we ate some soba together.

Yuki is kinda acting weird today, she's seeems very excited today.

Like she wants to bring up the mood today?

Even though she got called again, she seems very excited.

She's smiling like she's excited about something is about to happen...

"Yuki?" I called


"you seem excited today?" I said

"of course!" Yuki smiled "after all I was able to spend my time with you, Shoto."

I guess she's happy.

Since she's busy these past days.

After that we head out. Then Yuki lets go off my hand, like something is wrong?

"Shoto, could you do me a favor?" Yuki ask

I became curious "ok...? What is it?" I ask

Yuki smiled "could you pick up my parcel in our classroom" she said

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