The Real Target

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Tenko's POV

At that time I was running towards Kota's hideout, following beside me was Midoriya. As soon as I got there Kota was about to get killed, "Midoriya, speed up!" I ordered.

"yes Senpai!" Midoriya sped up as he jump up punching the villain "SMASH..!!"

I finally arrive catching my breath from all that running. I look up I saw Kota was running towards me "Tenko!" he hid behind me "I thought you wouldn't come" he hid.

As soon as I look up my eyes widen. That figure...

"You two must be on Renegade's list" the laugh of pure psychotic evil "Midoriya... and Sazanka... Renegade sure knows good hit targets."

I gritted my teeth in anger "YOU!" I yelled as I caught his attention "YOU KILLED MY SISTER!!" I couldn't control my anger just by seeing this man, Muscular. All I know is that as I soon as I capture his attention I put my hand down making the rocks crack and fall.

"Senpai!" Midoriya called.

I snap out as I realize I made a mess, I saw Muscular manage to dodge shield himself as I saw just rotten flesh of his muscles "ehehe... Renegade was right about you, Sazanka" Muscular chuckled.

"huh?" I reacted.

"Sazanka the Sand Calamity" Muscular grinned "your history records that you have anger issues finding me!" he mentioned as he laugh "what drives you? Is it the thrill? Is it the duty...?"

"is it..."


That made me flinch in anger "SHUT UP!" I shouted "you murdered my sister! You killed her like minced meat!"

"you massacred Juban high! I won't forgive you!"

"HAHAHAHA! Now you're really putting up a fight" Muscular sneered "but after this, I need to find a kid called Bakugou."

So that noisy explosion boy is his target "I won't let you get near them" I glared.

"I know what you can do! AND I WON'T GO EASY ON-"

I just sprint up grabbing his face "die..." I mumble as he turn to dust and blood. I turn to see Midoriya covered Kota's eyes, I glance at my palms it's tainted with blood.

"sorry Midoriya... my revenge blinded me..." I apologized "I just couldn't forget this bastard how he murdered my sister..."

"I know it's not hero like, but if he was like that he can cause more damages" Midoriya said "but for now, we have to get to Kacchan!"

I nodded "but before that, you have to get Kota back to camp. It'll be dangerous for him" I pointed.

"Tenko, let me stay! I might help!" Kota said.

"sorry Kota, but I cannot risk you in danger" I kneel down "especially, when you just..."

"it'll be fine, you did it for your sister" Kota pat my shoulder "and you did it for my parents."

I smiled "alright, I'll let you come. But don't get in trouble" I ordered "Midoriya I'll leave you in charge of Kota."

"ah! Yes Senpai!" Midoriya responded.

Tch, Overhaul must be facing Mandalay, Pixie Bob and Tiger. I tried contacting them with my phone and communicator it kept jamming and haywiring, someone must be jamming the signals.

Renegade's POV

"fufu~ seems like everyone is doing well" I grinned inside the mask "good job, Twice" I praise as Twice dragging the hero Ragdoll behind him.

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