looking sadly at Sam, Darcey took a deep breath, "dad hasn't been home in a few days," she began.

"So, he's working overtime on a miller time shift. He'll stumble back sooner or later," he said. shaking her head, she continued, "Sammy-"
Dean could see the look of worry on his sister's face. He sighed and interrupted

"Sam, dad's on hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days.'

The air in the room grew thick and Darcey felt sweat drip down her forehead as the tension grew high, they waited for Sam to answer.

"Jess, excuse us. We have to talk"

The three Winchester's were making their way down a flight of stairs and into the night. Sam began to speak, "I mean, come on, you can't just break in in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the rode with you guys,"

Darcey sighed as she listened to the boys argue. "you're not hearing me Sammy, dad's missing and We need your help finding him" When they reach the bottom of the stairs, Darcey made her own way to the impala to wait.

When she saw her brothers. She could hear the last bit of what Dean was saying, "well dad's in real trouble right now, if he's not dead already, I can feel it,"

She sighed at the thought of her father being dead, she knew with him being gone for this long, there was a chance he was. but she couldn't think like that, she needed to be strong for her brothers. She couldn't let her anxiety's get in the way of that.

When the brothers came up to the car, Now that Sam decided to help them, with the agreement to be back by Monday for a law school interview, she was in a better mood already. Now they just needed to find their dad not dead so she can feel even happier.

Darcey watched as Dean opened the car trunk full of supernatural weapons. She stood next to Sam. "now where the hell, did I put that thing" Dean looked around the trunk for a file with information about the case their dad was working on. Sam looked to Darcey and asked, "so when dad left, why didn't you go with him?"

Dean and Darcey looked to Sam, "We were working our own case." Darcey said Sam looked shocked to hear this. "Dad let you guys go on a hunting trip by your self's?" the twins shared a look.

"we're 26, dude"

*time skip*

Jericho, California

At a gas station, Sam and Darcey are sitting in the impala wile Dean fills it up. After, he asked "do you guys want breakfast?" Darcey perked up at the mention of food. "you know what I want," she told her brother. Sam shook his head "no thanks. So, how'd you guys pay for that stuff you guys still running credit card scams?"

Dean replied. "well, hunting isn't exactly a pro ball carrier, besides, all we do is apply. It not our fault that they send us the cards,"Darcey shook her head. Her brothers continued talking and Dean handed her a bag of chips. She dug right in.

Sam began to say, "dude, you got to update your cassette tape collection,"
both Dean and Darcey replied, "why?" The younger brother laughed, "well for one, there cassette tapes, and two, Black Sabbath, Motörhead, metallica, it's the greatest hits of mullet rock"

Embrace The Flames // BOok 1 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon