Chapter 10: The City Of Thieves (Final Part) (Edited)

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Jumping off of a wasn't easy! As I fell from Fraener's neck, the cobblestone ground of the Kingdom getting closer and closer by the second, it didn't take long for me to suddenly feel a warm, encompassing feeling underneath me before...I had landed safely on the ground where Ares and practically the entire Kingdom was waiting for me while I heard a roar from above me and then the quickly fading sounds of wings.

"You stupid girl!" Ares shouted as I got slowly got up and dusted myself off.

I am never taking a job from a Queen again.

"What?" I chuckled lightly as he galloped towards me, my body preparing to feel the kick of his hooves before...I felt him lift me up a little and hug me tightly.

"Damn it...I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much." He said with a shaky voice, a small chuckle leaving me before I hugged him back.

Who would've thought it? The centaur actually cared about me in some way!

"I knew you always cared somewhat about me." I snickered, a huff escaping him as I only felt his arms get tighter.

"...Only because the bird would kill me for letting you die." He sighed.

After the little hug-fest was done, it didn't take long for the crowd to start immediately questioning me as if I was a darn celebrity! From questions about Fraener, to how did I survive the encounter, to even questions about whether or not I was in cahoots with him! I had to answer them all as honestly as I could until I was finally summoned to the castle where Queen Aidan sat in a mighty black throne that shined with diamonds and gold, the two other thrones long gone.

"You completed what I asked you to." She said before I nodded my head. "Queen Nadia is no more; she shall be executed for her plans to murder me and bring this Kingdom into ruin." She said as I nodded my head again.

" have also gotten rid of a potentially threatening Daemonium and sent it flying away. That is definitely more than I have asked for." Queen Aidan said with a small chuckle at the end before she looked towards the left for a moment, the sounds of a cart along with jangling making me almost tap dance where I stood.

"For completing our bargain and getting rid of a Daemonium without me asking to, I reward you 800,000 gold coins along with my alliance and trade." She said as I looked towards the carts, my jaw almost dropping to the floor while tears started to brim my eyes.

It was my payday! I could buy so many clothes with this money and so many different types of animals! The price for the dragon pet the woman offered me was nothing to me now!

"Thank you, Your Highness," I said with a bow, trying to contain my excitement while my mind raced with the different types of plans I had as soon as I left this castle.

"No, thank you and remember. You are always welcomed to my Kingdom." Queen Aidan smiled lightly before she got up from her throne and walked off, leaving me to quickly celebrate in the throne room before I rushed off, the sound of Ares letting out a grumble before he unwillingly pulled the carts for me making me even more excited.

From dress shops, pet shops, and even food shops! The Kingdom was basically my own personally mall! my shopping spree came to an end, the sounds of Ares' constant complaining of buying too much killing my good mood, I had quickly remembered that I had two more placed to stop at before we left the Kingdom to go back to the town.

"Guardians girl...where are we going now?" Ares groaned before I looked back at him with a grin.

"You'll see," I said before I spotted the old lady's shop in the distance, causing me to turn my walk into the run.

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