Chapter 7: The Kingdom Of Tralia (Part 1) (Edited)

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It's been an entire two weeks since the Demons had joined the village and fortunately, people have started to take a liking to them! Though a few old-schooled people here and there still had their doubts about them and whether or not they were truly good people, the second the Daemoniums had started helping them perform chores and help out around the market place, they were immediately fond of them. Although, even though I had managed to avoid a potential mini-war within the village, my mind was still focused on the bigger picture of an upcoming huge war.

The war against the mysterious girl who constantly claimed she knew me. I refused to be caught unaware and therefore? I needed some allies.

'Feels nice to actually use my hands again.' I thought to myself with a content sigh as I flipped through the pages of a book that talked about Daemoniums.

Since I had new arrivals that were of this race and I barely knew anything about them besides the false words...I thought it was best to try and read up on them.

'What are you doing?' My collar suddenly vibrated.

"Reading, what else?" I chuckled lightly as I continued to flip through the book.

'About Daemoniums?'

"Yeah, I have new arrivals! I can't go around not knowing anything about them." I grinned, my interest suddenly caught by the sight of the word 'Beast' and the picture of a human who had some physical traits of an animal on them.

And goodness did they seem scary...there was a picture of a man, but...not a man. His arms were replaced with the monstrous wings of a dragon while his feet were replaced with the feet of a dragon as well! He had horns, claws, dagger-like teeth...everything that would give him the name 'Beast'. I always assumed that the goblins were exaggerating, that due to them not exactly knowing the nature of these people themselves they always made stuff up! I guess they weren't.

"Why is this page ripped out...?" I grumbled in annoyance as I tried to flip through the page once more, hoping to see if I could find the lost page.

'Because it reveals the previous location of their kind.'

"What do you mean previous?" I asked before I had closed the book and tossed it somewhere into the book pile behind me.

'I mean what I mean, the Daemoniums once controlled a realm known as the Under-Realm' but after Paladins managed to find their portals. It was quickly overrun.' Ibis hooted, her words causing me to raise a brow.

"Everyone talks about the Daemoniums as if they're the strongest in the entire world. How in the heck did they get overrun?"

'There are weapons specially made to combat them and control them young spirit.' She said simply before I let out a sigh.

Goodness...I'm at a standstill now! If there are weapons made especially for them then they had to have some bad seeds here and there but at the same time...that's a bit much, to create something to control an entire race like that.

"Who led the army?" I asked.

Ibis went quiet before she sighed. 'You have Daemoniums, ask them, they'll likely have a better answer than me. Seeing as I and my fellow Guardians merely...observe.' Ibis said before my collar stopped vibrating, leaving me with even more questions than before.

Though I wasn't too curious enough to ask the Daemoniums about the other questions that floated around my mind, I was curious enough to ask them about who exactly led the army. Sure, it was none of my business but...I'd like to have a one-on-one chat with the person who's been going around ruining people's lives. I may be considered a newbie in this new world still but that didn't mean I was going to sit back and tolerate racists.

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