Chapter 7: The Kingdom Of Tralia (Part 4) (Edited)

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Once the next day had rolled around, Ares and I were quick to get up and start racing across the plains once more, the forests slowly becoming nothing but background while the sounds of earth slowly got replaced with the sounds of a dirt road.

"Are we getting close? I asked as I started to look around, hoping to spot a distance image of a kingdom or wall.

"We are, dirt road always means a town or kingdom is near." He answered, butterflies immediately erupting in my stomach at the anticipation of seeing a kingdom for the first time.

A actual kingdom! The only time I've seen them was when I watched movies or saw them in pictures! But, being in this world for a good while now, I tried my best not to base my expectations off of what I was used to seeing. Hell, for all I know, the kingdoms in this world could've been made of out of leaves instead of stone for crying out loud! Instead of pristine, clean streets where dutiful guards constantly patrolled.

The kingdom could've been rotten, where guards constantly kicked back and took a swig of beer every now and again at the gates while thieves ran rampant around the streets like they were shopping at a mall. The kingdom could've also had no problems with slavery or killing people for that matter!

But...I had to stop thinking the worst, I'm pretty sure no one would've mentioned the kingdom in the first place is it was a dangerous place to go to.

"What exactly is the kingdom like? Have you ever been to Tralia Ares?" I asked as Ares began to slow down to an easy-going trot.

"I have been to a kingdom, just not Tralia." He answered.

"Though...I have heard this kingdom is known for its armor and weaponry. We could stand to have some of their blacksmiths make weapons for us rather than the goblins." I laughed.

"They try their hardest!"

"Indeed, and yet they still fail miserably," Ares grumbled as the frog started to let out ribbits once more.

The frog was pretty normal despite being friendly towards people. Though Ares said that it was actually called a Dream Wisp, I saw it for what it was. A frog. A disgusting little creature that ate flies and constantly ribbitted and hopped! I don't even know why I still kept the darn thing around but...who knows, maybe it'll come in handy someday or another.

Until then? I should at least give it a name or something.


"What is it?"

"What should I name this frog? The thing refuses to go away so I might as well name it." I sighed as I gave it a little poke in its side, the action causing the frog to sort of 'push me away'.

"I do not know, name it as you see fit little girl." Ares sighed before my attention focused on the frog.

I didn't want to name it Goldie or Heaven, that was a pretty obvious name given its coloration. I may have hated frogs but I at least wanted to give it some kind of meaning to it!

'Though...I'm not even sure if it's a girl or boy.' I thought as I continued to stare at it, the frog giving me a blank stare right back at me.

"How about..." I trailed off in thought, my brain searching for some kind of meaningful name.

"I'll call him Alex!" I announced proudly, Ares letting out a scoff.

"Hey! I think it's a good name." I huffed.

"I do not, Alex sounds rather idiotic."

"I named him after my uncle!" I huffed, Ares, looking back at me with a raised brow.

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