Chapter 6: Back To Normal (Part 5) (Edited)

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A group of people, gorgeous people at that, no more than possible 20 or 40 standing in front of us with desperation and fear heavy on their faces. They were all scantily clothed, the men only having a simple skirt-like long cloth hanging around their waists while the women had that plus a cloth covering their chests, they also had tattoos littering the upper parts of their bodies from their necks, faces and even their arms along with the fact that all of their eyes glowed dimly!

I was about to turn around and ask the people why they were screaming until...I finally noticed the horns on top of their heads, from some being like a ram's to others being like a dragon's, all of their horns were a variety of different shapes and colors. Still didn't answer the question why everyone was afraid of them though.

"Who are y'all? Why have y'all come here?" I asked in a polite tone along with a friendly grin.

"We are-"

"They're Daemoniums!"

Wait...didn't Koko mention those guys a while back?

"Incubi and Succubi! Cursed foul beasts that will deflower our daughters and sully our sons!" Suddenly screamed a woman before the rest of the crowd started to uproar, the sounds of wolves snarling like rabies-infested beasts and villagers threatening to kill them making me narrow my eyes and turn to Ares.

"Quiet!" Roared Ares, effectively making the crowd quiet down before I went back to interrogating the Daemoniums.

"Y'all are Daemoniums?" I asked, a Succubi at the front nodding her head frantically before she suddenly fell to her knees and gripped my hand tightly with tears beginning to flood her eyes.

"Y-Yes...! We are Daemoniums!" She cried out.

"Please...Lady of the Forest, please take us in! Let us take refuge in your village!" She continued before the rest of her tribe had suddenly prostrated themselves before me, my eyes widening as I tried to get them all to stand.

As the crowd began to start complaining again while I was only getting more exhausted and confused by the passing second. I had then went back to the time when Koko had told me that Daemoniums were evil Sure, he could've been right but...they were far too chill to be evil, after all, if they were why would they be coming to a goblin village in the middle of nowhere and then start crying their eyes out?

"They don't deserve refuge in our village Lady Eos! They are cousins to the Beast Daemoniums!" Someone else roared before the crowd started its uproar once again, my annoyance reaching its peak before I turned to face the crowd.

"Shut up!!" I screeched. Though I'll admit it was stupid of me to think so, I never expected this world to have racism and prejudice...especially when everyone here was a bit strange-looking.

"Let me talk to them!" I said. 'Jesus...y'all worry about everything that's different than y'all.' I thought with a sigh before I turned back to the Succubi.

"Why do you need to take refuge in our village? What's going on?" I asked as I attempted to help her up, Ares quickly pulling me back before the woman could grab onto my hand.

"Do not be so quick to help their kind little girl..." He mumbled to me. I shrugged his hand off me with an annoyed sigh.

"Paladins!" Another Demon screamed.

"They wish to kill us! Just for simply being Daemonium!" The Succubi cried, tears streaming down her face along with many others as she continued to bow and beg.

"Please help us! We will do anything you ask of us! We will work, be mindless soldiers...anything! J-Just please take us in...!" She continued as her tribe started to cry out as well while the sounds of the village uproaring once more behind me started up again.

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