Chapter 10: The City Of Thieves (Part 1) (Edited)

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As Picket and I made our way through the alley, constantly having to dodge shady-looking people, jumping over sleeping drunks while also having to constantly remind myself to not make eye contact with any of the ones that were awake.

It didn't take long for the brat to start talking to me.

"Before we go to the Thief's Core, there are a few things we need to do first."

I raised a brow. "Such as?"

"Well...I don't exactly want to be the only one to escape, despite what goes on around here, I have friends that want to leave this life as well!" Picket said, a scoff leaving me.

"Seriously? We don't have time to worry about others, let's remember that I'm on a schedule as well." I hissed, Picket narrowing her eyes at me before she stopped in the middle of the alley with a huff.

"And let's remember that I can easily rat you out. So, you either stop complaining and go along with my idea or you'll be chased out by a mob of angry bandits." She spat.

I glared at her, how hard was it to simply turn this kid into charcoal? But...though I hated to admit it, she was right in a way. We both wanted certain things and the only way we were both going to achieve our goals was to work together.

"Fine." I huffed, Picket smirking proudly before we continued on our way.

"Woah..." I gasped as soon as we made it to the end of the alley, the sight before me almost making my jaw hit the ground.

The place or as I would like to call it 'City of Thieves' was pretty damn impressive for a disease-ridden, underground bandit hideout! In the bad but sort of good way at least. Everything around us seemed to be nothing but ruins that had a mysterious, eerie vibe to it, from the buildings that had campfire smoke emitting from some of them, shady-looking folks hanging out where they sold things, I just knew would get me into trouble.

Pipe that dripped whatever sticking out from the ground and even a few buildings! To finally...a giant, mostly intact castle in the distance that overlooked the entire city with the same care you would give a piece of gum on the sidewalk. The hideout had a roguish charm to it and despite the people that lived down here, I could honestly roll with the vibe it was giving.

"This place is pretty cool..." I said in awe before my feet unconsciously started to walk again, causing Picket to suddenly pinch my arm.

"What the heck-"

Picket glared at me with her arms crossed and her mouth formed to look more like a pout.

"Stop spacing out and focus! We need to find my friends and then we'll get to the castle alright?"

I let out an annoyed sigh but nonetheless nodded and straightened my face. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just see these friends and then get this over with eh?" I said before I continued to walk, making sure to let Picket stay a few steps ahead of me.

Once we had passed the 'central' of the city, it didn't take long for Picket and I to walk into the 'poorer' parts of the city. The place was darker and eerier than it was in the central, from rats that sat on the barrels like they owned the place, to people looking out of their windows, to bugs that I could've sworn were looking at me with a nasty glare! This place was rough and I wasn't eager to figure out what kind of friends the brat had.

"Skat?" Picket said as we stopped in front of a house, the sound of squeaking and scuttling inside making me raise a brow.

"Skat!" She called again.

"Coming!" Called someone from the inside before the door opened, revealing something I definitely wasn't expecting.

A giant rat...the thing could've at least been the size of a medium-sized dog! It had dirty grey fur with bald patches here and there on its body, sharp, needle-like claws that curved a little at the end, a twitching brown nose, a missing ear and a tail that looked as if it were cut off and then sewn back on. This rat has clearly seen better days but I didn't dare question why it was able to speak, after all, the Sabre-Wolves were able to do it and no one batted an eye.

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