Chapter 1: Another Chance (Part 3) (Edited)

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"Why do you need a champion? Why make me into a dog? If you were helping yourself to a new soul that could serve you then there's no reason for me to be like this."

"Cessabit...Cessabit." She said in a different language.

"My reason for needing a champion is a topic that shall come again later in time as for being a dog? Simple, I made you one because you shall serve me better as one rather than an owl." The bird sighed before she suddenly flew up to a branch, leaving me even more suspicious and question-filled than before.

God...I've met a lot of untrustworthy people in my old life but this giant chicken was something else! Though I was eternally grateful to her for saving me from an eternity of floating around in empty darkness, I wasn't too happy about being rebirthed into a life of servitude! Not to mention being a bird as well.

"You must have a lot of questions." She spoke suddenly.

"Darn right I do." I huffed as I sat down and sighed.

"What is this world?"

"This world is known as Balerion my champion however...the continent you are on is known as the Forest Continent." Ibis explained, my head tilting at the mention of the world.

"Forest Continent...? What's that?"

"Simply put, it is where Ursa, Anguis and me, Ibis rule. You shall find out more when you eventually leave this cave." She said before she suddenly launched herself from her branch and flew off, most likely expecting me to follow her immediately.

'Jeez...she could at least carry me. It's tiring running around darn it.' I thought.

As I trotted after her, I couldn't help myself but begin to wonder about whether or not this was it? Is this all I was going to do for the rest of my life? After my entire former life spent wishing, dreaming and praying that I would be able to experience a fantasy world with my own two eyes and gain my own fame and fortune, was this it?! Simply running after a darn bird who had an ego bigger than an elephant's gut that expected me to obey her every command like a dog and to be her 'champion'?!

This wasn't the life I wanted nor thought I would have when entering this new world...I need to get out of this cave.

"When will I be able to leave this cave? You can't expect me to live inside here forever, now don't you?" I said.

"...You shall be able to leave soon enough young spirit, but one cannot run without learning to walk first." She sighed before she suddenly landed in front of me, her wings washing over my head as it felt me with a sudden feeling of energy coursing throughout my body.

"What the-"

"To leave my cave, you must learn what you are, why you are here and how to control your natural abilities...after all, I didn't save you just to allow you to roam free around this world. You are here with a purpose, a purpose that'll benefit this world, you and me all at once." Ibis said before she leaped onto a nearby rock and looked down at me.

"Then tell me, why am I here? What's my purpose?" I said, the words leaving a weird taste in my mouth.

"Your purpose, as well as the reason you are here, is to help me defeat my rivals and eventually the great evil that plagues this world," Ibis said, my mouth opening slightly as all I could register from that sentence was a giant hassle.

'Mercy...I didn't ask to be born as a darn hero and be thrown into their quest; I just want to live my new life in peace.' I thought to myself with a groan.

"My rivals, Anguis and Ursa. Both of them already have champions. Though Rhinoceros has yet to obtain one." She explained as she waved her wings around for a moment before her rivals soon appeared around me.

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