Chapter 3: A Forgotten Past and A New Future(Part 3) (Edited)

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Once I had fully blacked out, time had stopped and the sound had died just like it did all before the dream had even started. Though I didn't know how long I was floating there, all I could say was that I didn't enjoy it in the slightest...the guilt and regret of breaking my promise to my friend, despite the fact that it was not even close to being my fault and leaving my family behind was caving in on me all at once...and I wished for nothing more but for the memories of them to go away.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you guys behind..." I whispered to myself as I began to feel tears go down my cheeks.

"If I could take back my wish...all my wishes of wanting to live in a fantasy world then I would!" I cried out, the silence and loneliness of the void only encouraging me to further let out wails of sadness.

As I cried, cried and then cried some more, it felt like forever until I finally heard the sounds of birds chirping and the sound of people talking in the distance.

"Darn memories..." I grumbled as my paw immediately went to my head, an annoying ache left behind from the dream before my ears soon perked to the sound of a gasp.

"Lady Eos, you have awoken!"

"Yep, I have- Woah-"

Christ Almighty...if it weren't for my enhanced sense of smell, I would've never guessed the person in front of me was even a goblin! Long gone were the pudgy belly, chubby cheeks, and buckling legs. In front of me now was a man who looked like those cliché hot guys, who were involved in a romantic drama once or twice and was probably in their 20s!

"And who are you?" I asked with a small growl as I watched the man tend to the scars on my back, a shocked look immediately coming onto his face.

"It seems those few days of slumber have impacted your gave me the name Kal. Do you not remember?" Kal said as he smiled gently at me, his name making my eyes as all the memories came back to me at once.

Kal...only I would be enough of a superhero nerd to know what that name meant and where it came from.

"Kal?! I would've never guessed it was ya! You're...less pudgy" I grinned, my tail thumping against the ground as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and rose to his full height.

"Names help monsters such as goblins advance into superior versions of ourselves." He explained, pride filling my heart for a moment before I thought of something.

"What happening to the village over the last few days Kal?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head, disappointment already crawling its way onto his face.

"Well...we've gotten hundreds close to thousands more goblins and wolves from different villages and packs due to the rumor spreading of you defeating the Alpha, the blacksmiths have retired and-"

As Kal continued to explain the situation of the village, the more my mood began to sour. When I was brought into this world, I was expecting to be free of responsibilities and have a blast every single waking day!

Then again, perhaps I should've thought a bit more before I decided to be the selfless hero and suddenly become the new leader of the village without any knowledge of how to run a village.

'Winging it has always been my trump card though.' I thought with a sigh before I slowly got onto my paws and stretched.

"Jesus H. Christ, do y'all not know how to lead yourselves when I'm not around?" I snickered before I walked out of the tent, Kal right behind me as I soon widened my eyes to the state of the village.

To put it was a complete circus! From goblins and wolves laying underneath the scorching sun complaining about the heat, building projects left abandoned while the current ones were on the verge of falling apart and even nearby crops beginning to dry up! This village was more of a sorrier sight than it was when I first got here!

But, luckily, I had some type of idea of what needed to be done.

"Beta! Everyone is thirsty and hungry, the pack can no longer find any prey around the forest anymore." Suddenly barked Koko as he ran up to me, his size now 4 times bigger than my own while his fur had turned into a dark thunderstorm grey with 3 black streaks going down his back.

"Call everyone to the village entrance, I think I may have an idea!" I ordered with an excited bark before I trotted off towards the village entrance.

Once I was at the entrance, patiently waiting for everyone to gather 'round, I had decided to occupy my mind with what I was going to discuss at this little village meeting. Obviously, the first one was going to be about the declining state of the village and whether or not it was smart to do anything rather than just leave this entire place behind while the second? I may just talk about starting some sort of Council.

I knew I couldn't lead this village all by myself, especially when I was from a different world and still learning the customs of this one. Not only did I need help, but I also seemed to be blacking out a lot more than usual.

"Alright everyone, let's address the elephant in the room eh?" I said in the most cheerful voice I could muster without seeming worn out by the blazing heat.

I once lived in Texas where it was blazing during the summer but this? This was an entirely different level.

"The village is absolutely terrible! Building projects are abandoned, crops are dying and there are way too many new people!" I barked, the people beginning to murmur worriedly before I suddenly felt someone touch my back.

"Hound, may I suggest a move?" Torin said, my brow raising a little as I started to consider it.

'With so many new people and so little space that may be a plan but where to exactly?' I thought to myself before I was snapped out of my thoughts by the silence.

"Next! We need a Council! Since I'm not exactly familiar with these parts and I've been blacking out. It's only fair to y'all if I get more people to be in charge along with me." I barked, the crowd going from silent to excited as some of the people in the crowd seemed to suddenly stand taller.

Everyone wanted to be in charge alongside me but luckily, I already had people in mind! Koko, Torin, and Kal.

Despite the short period I've known him, I already knew Koko was a pretty well-liked as well as known older wolf amongst his pack as well as the wolves from other one! He had a serious demeanor and monotone voice that put people off at times but he was calm, collected and dedicated! He was a perfect starting addition for the Council as for Torin? He was an expert in terms of leading people, a dedicated trainer who always strived to see people at their absolute best and was pretty good at grabbing people's attention with that commanding voice of his.

It also helped with the deciding when I thought about how Torin seemed to be close to my age and was a good friend in the making! But...for Kal? I somewhat had my doubts, to be honest, I was still somewhat confused as to why I was even deciding to put him on the Council. He was shy, unassertive and was a scaredy-cat but despite that? He was fiercely loyal and if I knew one thing about being a leader, you needed people who were loyal to you and wouldn't even think of betraying you. But yeah! I was confident that these people would be perfect for my Council and if they weren't? Only time would tell me.

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