Chapter 9: Needed Regrets For No Regrets (Part 2) (Edited)

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'No!' I screamed inside my head.

'T-That's crazy...' I thought with a small huff.

"So, what now...?" I laughed emptily as I sat down in the middle of the hallway, people giving me weird glances as they seemed to not even notice the snake beside me.

"You gonna kill me 'cause I figured it all out or somethin'? You're a Dream-Stalker after all."

The snake let out a hissy chuckle before it started to slither onto my lap."Oh no..." It said as it looked me deep into my eyes.

"What exactly do you think Dream-Stalkers do mortal?"

"Torture people with their old memories?" I answered.

The snake once again let out a chuckle. "Indeed..." It hissed.

"But we also give you another enact revenge." The snake said, its mouth seeming to curve into a smirk before a sudden knife appeared in my lap, causing me to quickly cover it.

"What in the living he-"

"Hush!" It snarled.

"You wish for revenge yes?" It said, starting to slither onto my neck.

"This...Thorn of yours has treated you like you would a diseased man on the street. Isn't it time for you to be a true hero and start thinking for yourself instead of others?"

I gulped, a sudden knife appearing in my lap. A pocket knife...if I was even seen carrying this then I would immediately get expelled or worst!

"You would be a hero to your...peasant kind in this school. For people to cheer your name and finally realize who you are for slaying the enemy? Fame and praise? You must want it desperately right?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"Then go!" The snake encouraged, before the weight on my shoulder suddenly disappeared and I felt a sudden force help me onto my feet and push me forward.

The snake was in the fucking hell did I go without doing it for so long? Killing the bastard, him and his loonies have done nothing but caused pain for me, my friend and others at this school! We didn't deserve this in the slightest! I remember saying once before. If no one else was going to do it, then I'll gladly do it for them. One step in front of the long as I made sure the knife was hidden properly and I didn't look suspicious then I would be fine right? It was going to be easy killing the fool since he'll already underestimate me!

Suddenly however...a ribbit, the very sound that caused me to jump a little and dart my head around. this point, I really must've looked like a walking lunatic.

"What are you doing?" A voice, not hissy and knowing like the snake's but warm, flowing and filled with curiosity.

I narrowed my eyes, hide the knife in my pocket and spoke in a whispered tone. "I'm going to do what no one else could," I said before I continued to walk forward, the doors to the field coming closer and closer.

"I'm killing that fucking bastard."

"Why?" The voice asked.

"Because he deserves it."

"Why does he deserve it? He is, what you say, a bully. Bullies are below you."

I nodded my head along with the voice. Exactly! Like the snake, the new voice understood me completely.

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