Aether [49]

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(Y/n) tried to figure out his next move. Sensing his confusion, Yogumunt's Shadow, Yama, spoke up. Next to him, Igris kneeled while Tempest and Jill continued to excitedly play with one another.

"Sir, what do you need to be done? If you wish it, it can be done," Yama spoke confidently, causing (Y/n) to quickly reorganize his thoughts.

The major priorities were the Hunters, then Cha, Goto, and Kanae. He needed to know what would happen to their Soul Attributes and if there was any way for them to come back. Yama was smart enough to sense this all as well.

"Sir, if you'd like, we can start with the fallen humans. Those stronger Hunters are still alive, they both managed to kill Uriel and Beelzebub before my prior mistress fled," Yama said confidently. But then suddenly, he looked a bit perplexed. (Y/n) didn't notice.

(Y/n) felt relief wash over him. Cha and Goto were okay. They may've been in bad condition, but the Shadow's words helped alleviate any major fear that was building.

(Y/n) nodded, turning his attention to his Shadows. "Igris, Tempest, and Jill. I need you all to fan out and kill whatever mindless Constructs you run into. If they're too strong to handle, just flee."

The three Shadows nodded, falling into the ground and racing across the ground. They were out of (Y/n)'s sight in seconds, racing across the demolished ground of the battlefield. (Y/n) genuinely believed the Shadows could handle anything they ran into, all of them being incredibly powerful, but he still made sure they'd keep their own safeties in mind.

(Y/n) knew Fanzer and Ichigo couldn't have gone too far, but he wasn't quite sure where they were either. Yama noticed this and slowly nodded.

"Sir, if you would. Together, I believe there's nothing within this territory we don't know about," Yama smiled, extending a hand to (Y/n).

The Shadow Sovereign was a bit confused at first, but he trusted Yama. (Y/n) extended his hand and touched Yama's, Fusing with the Shadow.

(Y/n) almost threw up.

Of course, the normal rush of power was even more abundant than normal, a positive of fusing with a Shadow like Yama. However, that wasn't the part that caught him.

What caught him was his ability to suddenly feel the world around him in a way that shouldn't have made sense, but it somehow did. He knew that there were exactly 598 Constructs moving around, some frantically while others were calm.

He knew Enkidu and Lilith were still alive, moving 100 meters underground towards the castle in a ball of metal. He knew that Kali and Nyx were both still alive, with the former being unconscious and the latter trying to wake her fellow Construct up.

He knew Cha was resting on the branches of a tree while Uriel's corpse sat on the edge of the beach. He knew Goto was meditating in order to regain his energy, Beelzebub's bisected corpse sat several feet to his left.

He also knew that Fanzer and Ichigo's footsteps were approaching him precisely 10 meters out. He could even feel as they turned to noticed him and starting jogging towards him.

"It's a bit disorienting, isn't it, sir?" Yama asked, sounding pleased.

(Y/n) nodded. "Did you... understand everything like this when you were alive?"

"No, sir. I believe your revival helped me properly develop this ability."

At that, (Y/n) thought to pull up the notification to see Yama's skill list but held off. He opened his eyes, having realized he closed them, and noticed Fanzer and Ichigo with worried expressions on their faces.

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