Reunion [59]

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Guess who's back, back again! Dual Leveling's back, tell a friend!

Okay, all silliness aside, here it is! This is admittedly a slower chapter in comparison to the highs of the Yogumunt Raid, but I feel like this is a nice reentrance to Dual Leveling.

For those of you who only have vague memories of this story, this chapter is also meant to be a bit of a refresher, just so that you don't have to read through the entire story if you don't want to.

I've mentioned this before, in some author's notes, but this story will not be updating on a daily schedule. I now know that's a ton to read, and it's kinda impossible for me to write that much.

Even before, the only reason why I was able to upload like that was because most of the story had already been written!

This story may be a once every week or two type of thing, but we'll have to see how it goes. Regardless of that all, I hope you enjoy the chapter! I know I've certainly missed these characters a ton!


Inside a large gym, covered with white, mana-enhanced tiles, two figures dashed around frantically while two more sat on the sidelines.

"Son of a b— ITCH!" Fanzer yelped mid-sentence, his voice replicating a squawking chicken. Despite being tough enough to single-handedly kill a dragon, the problem he was currently facing was far more than he could handle.

"You're quite fast, as expected for a thief," Miyoung noted, crossing the distance between herself and Fanzer in a flickering moment. She appeared in front of him, her arm outstretched, nearly snatching him by the neck.

The Thief was a millisecond faster, magical electricity bolstering his speed. He turned on a dime, barely ducking down to continue running from the Chairwoman of the Korean Hunters Association.

This young man running for his life is Fanzer Leblanc. In this magical world filled with Gates, monsters, and Sovereigns, he's a simplistic Thief. With abilities that let him steal and replicate skills from others, he's managed to become quite strong at the young age of 22.

His major goal is to become the World's Best Thief, and his position as the infamous Coin Thief proves that he's making his way to his goal. In the recent raid against Yogumunt, he managed to single-handedly kill Longshen, an extremely powerful dragon.

Unfortunately for Fanzer, Miyoung was far stronger than Longshen.

Miyoung caught up to Fanzer in less than a second, her power eclipsing his own. She grabbed him by the back of his shirt, abruptly ending their training. As a whole, the game of cat and mouse lasted for 30 seconds.

Miyoung Goh, the Chairwoman of the Korean Hunters Association, was a close friend of Fanzer's older sister, Lolikiano, and she was currently a member of the Strong Hundred — the 100 strongest S-Ranks that the world had to offer.

Miyoung was currently training Fanzer Leblanc, although from the outside, it may've looked more like her bullying the Thief.

Miyoung lifted Fanzer like he weighed nothing, looking at him with an impressed expression. She hadn't worked up a sweat, and her hair barely looked ruffled. "You're getting better. If you can learn how to control your mana, you'll become much stronger."

In comparison, Fanzer was a mess. His brown hair was frayed, sweat ran down his face, and he was basically sinking in his spot as his feet dangled back and forth. "I just... don't get... why we'd train to get Soul Attributes... just to not even use them...." He huffed, panting.

Miyoung looked past Fanzer's cat-like hanging form, to where the two bystanders were watching. "Ichigo, why would we train without using Soul Attributes?"

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