Plotting [26]

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There was a silence for several minutes minute. It was hard to believe that Yogumunt was there, and then he just... wasn't. He disappeared in an instant, leaving destruction in his wake.

In the silence, (Y/n) looked up about Miyoung's head.

[The Galaxy's Enveloping Void]
[Miyoung Goh]

When he used Umbra Observation, he was stunned. For the first time ever, he simply couldn't see her stats. Despite her title being shown to him, everything else was hidden under a veil of mystery. He instantly understood to respect her strength.

After a moment of carefully glancing over (Y/n), Ichigo, and Fanzer, Miyoung was swift to start evaluating the situation, looking at the damage of the situation and seeming to assess the costs of everything in a matter of minutes. However, beyond that, she was quick to move to Alnair, seeing Jino in his arms.

"She's injured. She can be brought to the Association building for now," Miyoung nodded to Alnair, who didn't hesitate to listen. He was powerful for sure, but Miyoung seemed much, much stronger than him. Strong enough that he didn't hesitate about following her orders.

(Y/n) got up to his feet, the cold of winter sweeping over him. He swayed back and forth; his was body exhausted beyond his understanding. Unlike other Hunters, his mana didn't help him with the cold, so he ended up shivering. He never looked away from Jino.

"I'll go with her. I'm her brother so I should—"

"Rest. She's in good hands," Miyoung softly interrupted (Y/n). But before he could say anything else, the exhaustion that built up within him started to spill out, and a fit of dizziness came over him.

A quick look to his status screen showed that he was regaining his HP, but it was not at a fast rate. (Y/n) looked to his home, seeing holes riddling the walls, as if it was shot through.

Miyoung followed his gaze. She softly nodded. "The Hunter Association will handle the clean-up. Consider it a favor for Sung Il-Hwan's efforts. I apologize for it taking so long to arrive."

(Y/n) looked back at Jino, the deep scowl on his face slowly leaving. He glanced at Fanzer and Ichigo, who stared at him with worried expressions on their faces. His shoulders slumped, and before he knew it Fanzer, and Ichigo were assisting him in walking back to the Hunter's Association. He let them help him without fighting it.

"Just running out like that was pretty worrying, (Y/n)," Ichigo smiled softly. "I'm glad we got here before anything irreversible could happen."

"Yeah, what were you thinking, man? You could've easily gotten us and Cha and probably Choi to come here too!" Fanzer sighed, shaking his head dramatically, clearly trying to make a joke to life (Y/n)'s clearly soured mood.

(Y/n) laughed sourly. "I'm joining the raids. I couldn't even touch that bastard who hurt my sister, not even after all our training. I'll be strong enough to handle him on my own, without worrying. That's the only way I'll be able to protect my sister."

Fanzer and Ichigo were quiet for a moment.

"On your own?" Ichigo shook her head.

"Have you learned nothing?" Fanzer questioned.


Fanzer and Ichigo smiled. They spoke at the same time. "You won't have to fight him alone again. We'll be with you next time."

(Y/n) smiled. He didn't try to hide it. "Okay... yeah, okay."

Several minutes later, at the Korean Hunter's Association, Alnair glanced at Miyoung nervously, the Chairwoman looking down at Jino with troubled eyes.

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